Recovery Road: Part 1/ Chapters 5 to 7 – Overview/ Review (with Spoilers)

Overview As we learn why Trish ended up in Spring Meadow, we get another small glimpse as to why Maddie ended up there as well. Review (with Spoilers) – Below Characters & Story Chapter 5 In chapter 5, we learn what ultimately led to Trish going to rehab is that one day, while driving drunk…


As we learn why Trish ended up in Spring Meadow, we get another small glimpse as to why Maddie ended up there as well.

Review (with Spoilers) – Below

Characters & Story

Chapter 5

In chapter 5, we learn what ultimately led to Trish going to rehab is that one day, while driving drunk with a friend, she got into an accident which led to said friend being paralyzed. But, with the topic of being intoxicated brought up in the chapter, we also learn that both Trish and Maddie haven’t really experienced a lot without being under the influence of drugs and alcohol – especially intimacy. In fact, Maddie admits that she never had a boyfriend before. Though considering how she portrays herself when drunk, as someone who fights till the cops show up, perhaps there is one glaring reason why.

Chapter 6

Chapter 6 picks right up from where Chapter 5 left off, and pretty much focuses on showing how messed up Trish is over making her friend paralyzed. Also, to a certain degree, it shows that while Maddie may portray herself in perhaps not the most positive light, there are moments she will compromise her own comfort for the needs of others.

Chapter 7

Maddie is back in Cynthia’s office and in this chapter we learn her high school nickname was “Mad Dog Maddie,” mostly because of how hostile and aggressive she was to other students. Of which, naturally, she blames their actions on why she was so hostile. But, being that Cynthia isn’t your regular old counselor, she says to Maddie: “If you meet three assholes in a day, you’re the asshole.”


Though I still find the shortness of these chapters weird, I do like they touch on one topic at a time. Whether it is Trish’s drunk driving, with a touch of how Maddie, and Trish, have never experienced intimacy without a substance drowning the moment; Trish’s guilt being shown, as well as showing Maddie isn’t a complete ass; and then us getting to see that Maddie likes to blame others for her problems.

Altogether, a part of me thinks I would enjoy this book even if the ABC Family program wasn’t planned. If just because the protagonist is slowly becoming the type of person you love to hate, and I find myself feeling bad for Trish. To the point I do hope, and wonder, if we may ever change point of views. Much less, being that we are in “Part One,” what will the other parts of the story hold for us? Will Maddie drastically change? Will something happen at the rehab? Will she get out? Or am I just throwing random thoughts out there which are way off the mark?

Collected Quote(s)

“You know there’s a saying: ‘If you meet three assholes in a day, you’re the asshole.’”

—           “Chapter 7.” Recovery Road – Page 21

Things To Note

Trish, we are told, has a lot of crushes on staff members.

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