Blake Nelson

Recovery Road: Parts 7 to 9 [End of Book] – Overview/ Review (with Spoilers)

Overview Part 7 features a stumble for Maddie, but not her outright falling. Though with her stumble comes the question of what could trigger her going off the rails, or even if perhaps she must abstain from alcohol altogether? After all, Maddie loves a good party and avoiding alcohol, as well as drugs, may have…

Recovery Road: Part 4 to Part 6 – Overview/ Review (with Spoilers)

Overview Part 4 continues to show that Maddie is serious about pulling an 180° turn and really make progress in life. However, as she moves forward, it seems Stewart takes steps back. Trigger Warning: Chapter 9 Has an Attempted Rape Chapter Summaries (with Commentary)

Recovery Road: Part 3 [Complete] – Overview/ Review (with Spoilers)

Overview With us getting to know Maddie, learning how far she has come, and how much support, especially financially, she has, it is hard to not make comparisons to her friends and loved ones. Mostly because, while Maddie doesn’t necessarily seem spoiled, arguably what led her to Spring Meadows and what led people like Stewart…

Recover Road: Part 1/ Chapters 10 to 17 – Overview/ Review (with Spoilers)

Overview With the introduction of Maddie’s father, and the perhaps life-changing character which is Stewart, there are signs the book will start to pick up. Especially since, with Stewart’s appearance, the diary style of the book is starting to have longer chapters. Review (with Spoilers) – Below

Collected Quotes From: Recovery Road

No matter what I do now, there are certain doors I have already closed, certain opportunities I’ll never get back. It is what it is. —  “Part 5/ Chapter 4.” Recovery Road – Page 209 It’s not perfect. Which is different than not right. — “Part 5/ Chapter 7.” Recovery Road – Page 221 You…