Author: Amari Allah

Amari is the founder and head writer of and has been writing reviews since 2010, with a focus on dramas and comedies.

American Horror Story: Freak Show/ Episode 8 “Blood Bath” – Recap/ Review (with Spoilers)

Overview As we encroach slowly on the freak show’s end, we lose one act and gain another. Also, Dandy claims another victim as Regina comes to visit. Topic 1: We’re Not Going To Take It! – Desiree Topic 2: A Bed Time Story – Elsa Topic 3: Goodbye Mother – Dandy & Jimmy Review (with…

Red Band Society: Season 1/ Episode 10 – Overview/ Review (with Spoilers)

Overview In the winter finale, which could turn into the series finale unless FOX decides otherwise, a handful of surprises are thrown at us. Well, surprises if perhaps you weren’t paying attention. Trigger Warning(s): Surgery scene Topic 1: Bureaucracy – Dr. McAndrew & Jordi Topic 2: Hope For A Better Tomorrow – Dash, Charlie, Hunter,…

Akatsuki no Yona (Yona of the Dawn): Season 1/ Episode 9 “Shaking Resolve” – Overview/ Review (with Spoilers)

Overview As our heroes trek through the Fire Clan capital, Yona increasingly grows anxious to learn how to not only defend herself, but also Hak. Topic 1: Through The Fire Tribe You Go – Hak, Yun, and Yona Topic 2: Training Time – Yona and Hak Topic 3: The White Dragon Village – Yona Review…

Akatsuki no Yona (Yona of the Dawn): Season 1/ Episode 8 “The Chosen Door” – Overview/ Review (with Spoilers)

Overview Before Yun joins Hak and Yona on their journey, we see what led to him meeting Ik-Su. Review (with Spoilers) I don’t remember if I ever cried while watching this show, but oh my eyes got watery as Yun’s backstory was shared. Even though we just met the child. For more on “The Chosen…

Downton Abbey: Season 5/ Episode 8 – Recap/ Review (with Spoilers)

Overview As Rose gets married, people talk about leaving, the future, and then a scandal erupts. Review (with Spoilers) Sometimes I forget that British programming usually don’t have 24 episode seasons, but the benefit of that is they rarely overstay their welcome. However, with only 8 episodes this season, I must admit there was an…

Akatsuki no Yona (Yona of the Dawn): Season 1/ Episode 7 “Fate” – Overview/ Review (with Spoilers)

Overview With Ik-Su providing guidance, Yona begins planning for where her life will head next. Review (with Spoilers) After 7 episodes it seems Yona is finally on the path to becoming a bad ass. For after Soo-Won’s betrayal, Hak risking his village and life for her, and her getting embedded with the will to fight,…

American Horror Story: Freak Show/ Episode 7 “Test of Strength” – Recap/ Review (with Spoilers)

Overview Stanley finally gets a body, as Elsa deals with a rebellious freak show. Review (with Spoilers) In “Test of Strength” it seems things may slightly get interesting. For while Dell may not be a savior, he certainly makes for a better villain than Elsa. However, with Stanley as the puppet master, perhaps he is…

Red Band Society: Season 1/ Episode 8 – Overview/ Review (with Spoilers)

Overview As Charlie’s condition, and Dr. Naday, instill hope, not everyone is able to easily find happiness. Review (with Spoilers) While we get to the heart of Hunter’s issues, seemingly Emma’s still won’t be dived into. Something which is troubling since there is still no word if the show may get cancelled or not. For…

Downton Abbey: Season 5/ Episode 4 – Recap/ Review (with Spoilers)

Overview The future of many relationships, whether romantic or not, are put into question as things largely turn sour. Review (with Spoilers) It seems more and more that relationships are the focus of the season. For with Cora seeming very unhappy with Robert; the Dowager speaking of what could have happened with the Russian prince;…

Akatsuki no Yona (Yona of the Dawn): Season 1/ Episode 6 “Red Hair” – Overview/ Review (with Spoilers)

Overview As Soo-Won is crowned, and speaks on the future of Kouka, Yona meets the exiled priest. Review (with Spoilers) Considering Soo-Won’s intentions for Kouka, I do wonder how much he may end up actually getting accomplished. For with him needing to unite the clans, and fend off the northern and southern kingdoms, he has…

American Horror Story: Freak Show/ Episode 6 “Bullseye” – Recap/ Review (with Spoilers)

Overview As the freak show goes on, one of the actual freaks step out of the background. Review (with Spoilers) The season continues its decline and seems to not even desire to be seen as interesting. For as Dandy falls for the twins, Elsa deals with a sort of rebellion, and Dell and Desiree have…

American Horror Story: Freak Show/ Episode 5 “Pink Cupcakes” – Recap/ Review (with Spoilers)

Overview As Dandy takes over as town serial killer, Stanley and Dr. Bonham get people’s hopes up. Trigger Warning(s): Dismemberment Review (with Spoilers) After the death of Twisty, unfortunately it seems “Pink Cupcakes” neither has American Horror Story: Freak Show plateau or continue to rise. For with the compelling villain gone, and a weak replacement…

American Horror Story: Freak Show/ Episode 4 “Edward Mordrake (Part 2)” – Recap/ Review (with Spoilers)

Overview Two characters die this episode, can you guess which ones? Trigger Warning(s): Grotesque Imagery Review (with Spoilers) Consider me a bit shocked when it comes to who dies this episode, especially what happens after. Mostly because what happens in “Edward Mondrake (Part 2)” seems like it should have been saved for a midseason finale….

Akatsuki no Yona (Yona of the Dawn): Season 1/ Episode 5 “Howl” – Overview/ Review (with Spoilers)

Overview With Gang Tae-Jun chasing down Hak and Yona, with an army at his disposal, you have to wonder how much damage will be done to our heroes? Review (with Spoilers) As the action revs up, and Yona continues to break out of her shell, the series no longer is a show in which you…

Akatsuki no Yona (Yona of the Dawn): Season 1/ Episode 4 “The Wind Clan” – Overview/ Review (with Spoilers)

Overview As the political battle begins, a call for war follows. Review (with Spoilers) Things are finally getting interesting on the show. For with Yona now within the safety of the Wind Clan, and the Wind Clan being filled with nice everyday folk, you know only bad things are bound to happen. Of which, due…

American Horror Story: Freak Show/ Episode 3 “Edward Mordrake (Part 1)” – Recap/ Review (with Spoilers)

Overview As Halloween comes around, a lot of the freaks take off their mask more so than put one on. Review (with Spoilers) Emma Roberts finally pops up, with Denis O’Hare in tow, and Dandy commits to being Twisty’s assistant. Meanwhile, down at the Freak Show, there increasingly seems to be internal drama which surely…

American Horror Story: Freak Show/ Episode 2 “Massacres and Matinees” – Recap/ Review (with Spoilers)

Overview As Jimmy seeks normalcy for the freaks, Dell tries to take control of the freaks and the freak show. Review (with Spoilers) Thank the heavens for Angela Bassett and Michael Chiklis. For between the storyline of the Mott family, as well as Jimmy being the leader of the freaks, this season was looking horrible….

American Horror Story: Freak Show/ Episode 1 “Monsters Among Us” [Season Premiere] – Recap/ Review (with Spoilers)

Overview A new chapter begins in the American Horror Story saga, and it is clear to me why Jessica Lange says this season will be her last. Trigger Warning: Avoid if you have a fear of clowns Review (with Spoilers) In my opinion, if the series started off with Freak Show, it would have likely…

Akatsuki no Yona (Yona of the Dawn): Season 1/ Episode 3 “The Distant Sky” – Overview/ Review (with Spoilers)

Overview We get a little more on Hak’s background and how his life became tied to Yona’s. Review (with Spoilers) As Yona still sort of hides within herself, in order to try to deal with all that is happening, we go into Hak’s memories to learn how he ended up becoming Yona’s champion. A story…

Donten ni Warau (Laughing Under the Clouds): Season 1/ Episode 1 “Three Brothers, Standing Under the Clouds” [Series Premiere] – Recap/ Review (with Spoilers)

Overview Three brothers living in the beginning of the Meiji period find themselves to be bounty hunters, sort of, to deal with rebellious samurai. Review (with Spoilers) When it comes to anime, if they are action oriented, and aren’t part of the mecha sub-genre, I usually give them a chance. As for this show, with…

Red Band Society: Season 1/ Episode 3 – Overview/ Review (with Spoilers)

Overview As Jordie’s lies are exposed, we see Emma and Leo’s relationship develop as well as Kara and Nurse Jackson’s. Review (with Spoilers) As the weeks pass on Red Band Society, I’m starting to think little things tidbits maybe slipping by us. For while the kids all have a major focus, and developed storylines, Kenji…