Author: Amari Allah

Amari is the founder and head writer of and has been writing reviews since 2010, with a focus on dramas and comedies.

Orange is the New Black: Season 2/ Episode 7 “Comic Sans” – Overview/ Review (with Spoilers)

Overview Black Cindy is the focus of the episode, as is Red’s resurgence and Vee’s new booming business. Review (with Spoilers) In “Comic Sans” there is a strong focus on everyone trying to find some way to cope and deal with their situation the best they can. For some, like Cindy, it is with laughter;…

Orange is the New Black: Season 2/ Episode 6 “You Also Have a Pizza” – Overview/ Review (with Spoilers)

Overview With the focus being on Valentine’s Day and Poussey, we witness love and its complications. Review (with Spoilers) With many prisoners leaving lovers behind, it makes Valentine’s day a bit of an awful holiday. But while the prisoners surely hate the day, so do the staff as well. They feel just as much prisoners…

Orange is the New Black: Season 2/ Episode 5 “Low Self Esteem City” – Overview/ Review (with Spoilers)

Overview As racial divides worsen, so does the overall condition of the prison. Review (with Spoilers) I am 5 episodes into this marathon and still haven’t gotten bored. Though I must admit I find it so odd how Sophia has been virtually absent on the show, especially considering Laverne Cox’s profile probably benefitted the most…

Orange is the New Black: Season 2/ Episode 4 “A Whole Other Hole” – Overview/ Review (with Spoilers)

Overview We discover the truth about Christopher as Red seeks to reestablish herself, as does Vee. Review (with Spoilers) I don’t know why I don’t remember season 1 having this format of which it features one specific character as everything else goes on. Be it because the featured characters of season 1 appealed more to…

Orange is the New Black: Season 2/ Episode 3 “Hugs Can Be Deceiving” – Overview/ Review (with Spoilers)

Overview An explanation on why Suzanne (Crazy Eyes) has such a thing for Piper, as well as us seeing Vee become the mother to all the Black girls. Review (with Spoilers) Seemingly with Lorraine Touissant joining the show, she isn’t going to be treated as just a guest star. As of this episode she pretty…

Chasing Life: Season 1/ Episode 1 “Pilot” [Series Premiere] – Overview/ Review (with Spoilers)

Overview Imagine you just hit 24, survived your dad passing on, finally am getting somewhere with your career and personal life, and then find out you have cancer. Review (with Spoilers) When it comes to ABC Family you can always expect diversity. Whether it is a program featuring deaf teenagers, those who were in the…

Orange is the New Black: Season 2/ Episode 2 “Looks Blue, Tastes Red” – Overview/ Review (with Spoilers)

Overview We move from focusing on Piper to Taystee and get to see her life before prison. Review (with Spoilers) After a rather dull episode watching Piper go through her usual fish out of water issues, we are back with the old crew and catching up. Though, for the most part, the focus is on…

Orange is the New Black: Season 2/ Episode 1 “Thirsty Bird” – Overview/ Review (with Spoilers)

Overview With 95% of season 1’s cast nowhere to be seen, we are stuck with Piper, Alex, and the type of characters which bring 0 interest. Review (with Spoilers) To me, if you never saw the first season and wanted to see what the hype was all about, this episode would make you think this…

Game of Thrones: Season 4/ Episode 9 “The Watchers on the Wall” – Recap/ Review (with Spoilers)

Overview The Wildlings, and allies, have made it to the wall and for the entire episode we are left wondering who is going to die. Review (with Spoilers) Though people die damn near every episode of Game of Thrones, it is rare that it is because of a full on faction vs. faction battle. But…

Game of Thrones: Season 4/ Episode 8 “The Mountain and the Viper” – Recap/ Review (with Spoilers)

Overview In another emotionally draining episode, we get quite a performance from many of the actors, as we mark another character’s death. Review (with Spoilers) I love and hate this show. I love it because the characters all have such potential, and sometimes it is realized, but I hate this show since anyone is eligible…

Faking It: Season 1/ Episode 1 “Pilot” [Series Premiere] – Overview/ Review (with Spoilers)

Overview In a school where you have to stand out to fit in, two girls decide the best way to stand out is to be lesbians. Review (with Spoilers) As MTV continues to try to harness the sometimes raunchy, and often unfiltered, personas of their reality TV stars into scripted series, thus comes Faking It….

Game of Thrones: Season 4/ Episode 7 “Mockingbird” – Recap/ Review (with Spoilers)

Overview New alliances are formed, others strengthened, but being this is Game of Thrones there is always someone willing, and ready, to backstab. Review (with Spoilers) As we creep further and further toward the finale, you are left wondering if The Purple Wedding will be the sole big event of the season. Well, from what…

Game of Thrones: Season 4/ Episode 6 “The Laws of Gods and Men” – Recap/ Review (with Spoilers)

Overview After two or three somber episodes, we get a taste of what made this show popular, and promises of resurgence. Review (with Spoilers) I find it unfortunate, as a fan, that when the show opts to develop characters, further storylines, and actually focus on something besides sex and violence, I get a tad bored…

Game of Thrones: Season 4/ Episode 5 “First of His Name” – Recap/ Review (with Spoilers)

Overview In a rather mundane episode, politics are a bigger focus than battle. But just to keep those with a bloodlust interested, there is one decent one to satisfy ye. Review (with Spoilers) I’m not fully sure, due to my memory, whether past season of Game of Thrones were more exciting, or if just the…

Awkward: Season 4/ Episode 1 “No Woman Is an Island” [Season Premiere] – Overview/ Review (with Spoilers)

Overview If you think Jenna didn’t suffer enough from her rebellion period, well think again. Review (with Spoilers) Awkward returns and everyone is feeling senior anxiety. The pressure of going to college is upon everyone, Tamara is freaking herself out trying to keep her life to some strict schedule, and Jenna is just trying to…

Twisted: Season 1/ Episode 19 “A Tale of Two Confessions” [Series Finale] – Overview/ Review (with Spoilers)

Overview The show finally decides to live up to its name. Review (with Spoilers) Call this episode a last minute fix for the ho-hum nature of Twisted has just gotten violently shook up, and while some parts of the shakeup admittedly feels a little forced, and sort of campy, perhaps it can be retooled so…

Game of Thrones: Season 4/ Episode 4 “Oathkeeper” – Recap/ Review (with Spoilers)

Overview As things cool down after Joffrey’s wedding, many are ready to build up to the next big event. Review (with Spoilers) Seemingly, despite the various media articles about last week’s rape scene, there isn’t much sign that what we may perceive as rape, will be treated as rape. Besides that, there isn’t anything big…

Game of Thrones: Season 4/ Episode 3 “Breaker of Chains” – Recap/ Review (with Spoilers)

Overview With Joffrey’s death, and many on their way to claim the throne, there becomes a question of whether peace will ever enter Westeros and stay? Trigger Warning(s): Rape Scene Review (with Spoilers) Unlike the Red Wedding, and the death of Eddard Stark, there isn’t a large amount of tears and people wandering about over…

Game of Thrones: Season 4/ Episode 2 “The Lion and the Rose” – Recap/ Review (with Spoilers)

Overview With the war for King’s Landing, seemingly, over, all eyes are on the wedding. Review (with Spoilers) This is the type of episode which makes you want to read the books, just so you can be ahead of the game. And though, supposedly, the writers are going to twist things to keep those who…

Game of Thrones: Season 4/ Episode 1 “Two Swords” [Season Premiere] – Recap/ Review (with Spoilers)

Overview The show returns with many having distrust in each other, with most of it naturally warranted. Review (with Spoilers) Eventually I do plan to read the books, because so much happens in just one episode, that it is hard to even fathom what may have been cut out. That aside, most of the favorites…

American Horror Story (Coven): Episode 13 “The Seven Wonders” [Season Finale] – Overview/ Review (with Spoilers)

Overview And so, it comes to an end. Review (with Spoilers) The 7 wonders are performed with very little in the way of outside distractions. Well, with the exception of a visit from Stevie Nicks singing before the competition. But, despite the crowning of a new supreme, there are remnants of the old one still…