Neo Yokio: Season 1/ Episode 1 “The Sea Beneath 14th Street” [Series Premiere] – Overview/ Recap (with Spoilers)
If you are aware of Jaden Smith eccentricities and find it a bit too weird for your taste, steer clear of Neo Yokio.
Amari is the founder and head writer of and has been writing reviews since 2010, with a focus on dramas and comedies.
If you are aware of Jaden Smith eccentricities and find it a bit too weird for your taste, steer clear of Neo Yokio.
Kingsman: The Golden Circle, matches, if not surpasses, its predecessor when it comes to action, maintains when it comes to touching moments, but utterly fails when it comes to its multiple villains.
Watching Channel Zero: No-End House is like being a kid and watching a sport you enjoy vs. playing it. It’s mostly boring, with a few moments of excitement, but ultimately a lackluster experience.
Faith, money, morals, and understanding. Four words which are the themes as temptation lurks about and few can say they are truly holier than thou on Greenleaf.
Insecure: Season 2 for some characters was a stepforward. One in which you could see maturity and growth. However, sometimes becoming a better person is just uncomfortable so some end up regressing. More on that below.
So who, in the long run, wins Hotaru’s heart? Her abusive boyfriend or her childhood friend who has been awfully hot and cold.
The Wilde Wedding, while slightly pretentious, and seemingly made for big city indie lovers, is rather charming and contains the rare depiction of love in a senior age.
It’s the final episode of Koi to Uso (Love and Lies) and so comes the question of: Who ends up with Yukari?
Liar has to be one of the few shows which has me really second guessing what I think, what I should write, and I both love it and hate it for that.
Vesper is the type of film which reminds you of when the story was the focus of mysteries and thrillers versus jump scares.
Operation: Changeling finally arrives and also goes awry. However, not for Control and what they planned but Ange.
Ernesti faces his first defeat by means of a draw, but seemingly the finale will be the ultimate battle between Ernesti and Lord Gojass.
Joey King continues to build up the idea that she is definitely someone to keep on your radar. For while Smartass kind of seems like a “meh” film, her persona makes it something worth seeing. As for why? Well, look below.
First They Killed My Father is perhaps the best war movie, be it theatrically released or online, in years. For it isn’t about patriotism but about history. One which this movie actually makes you want to explore further. Trigger Warning: Violent Images Used Below
While seeing Erykah Badu isn’t a life-changing experience, experiencing her artistry is definitely something for your bucket list.
As Chelsea is forced by Raven to face what Garret did to her life, we learn Levi is walking in his father’s footsteps.
The truth about what Charioce has been pursuing all this time is revealed and it leads you to question if the ends justify the means.
Better Things returns and Sam’s house is in a bit of disarray. Though, as I’m sure Sam would say, “What else is new?”
If FreeForm ever decides to do mini-series, A Pain Less Ordinary by L.V. Pires should be one of their first adaptations in the format.
Page numbers are based on a .pdf sent by the author. It’s a funny thing about hope. When it dies in you, everything turns black. The world starts to turn angry and mean. And you can try to put hope into other things, like hoping you’ll grow up and never be such an awful mom, but those hopes…
What Basie Skanks started, bringing up homosexuals during that church meeting, comes to a head as Lionel and Aaron come to Cavalry and dig up old and new skeletons.
Wonder’s trailer, similar to A Dog’s Purpose before that was released, has consistently made me bawl. So, to build up some strength before the movie, I got the book and while, as of page 43, my Puffs tissues remain untouched, I do feel like I’m being setup.
After speaking with Takeda, Yuma decides to confess her feelings to Hotaru. However, considering who Hotaru is, does she even desire a serious relationship?
Liar plays on the stigma, prejudice, and assumptions surrounding rape. Of which, it does so in a way which forces the viewer to confront their own bias.
While Jeff Dunham’s stereotypical puppets are losing their edge, Walter and Peanut help show Jeff still has it.
Is there any hope at all for what Ririna may be feeling or has she long succumb to the idea that she should just be happy Yukari is in her life?
Up to a certain point, you may think that everyone maybe getting their situations together. But, in the long run, happy and functioning people don’t keep shows running.
It’s another origin story episode, this time focused on Ange’s time in Control’s spy farm. But while the show presents a ho-hum backstory, the ending gives it the jolt it desperately needs.
As the approved by Ernesti, written by Ernesti, tale of his triumphs over all opposition continues, another villain pathetically bites the dust.
As Chelsea cements the idea she isn’t a complete airhead, Raven tries to be supermom and Nia expresses some anxiety about the 6th-grade dance.
The fate of El (Mugaro) is revealed, and it takes us one step forward to what maybe the final battle between the gods, demons, and mankind.
Thanks to some bizarre decisions, #RealityHigh loses the few things likable it had to utter and complete nonsense.
In order to enjoy Home Again, I want you to strip away the idea you need the usual drama we see in movies and TV. For what seems to be the pursuit in Home Again is showing weird and complicated relationships. Ones which, by the grace of some other worldly being, come into our lives…
Guilt and insecurities are the focus of this episode. Especially as people expose their soft under belly to those who can, or have, hurt them the most. More on that below.
The new version of Stephen King’s IT is deserving of a bit of praise. With it being a theatrical release, rather than TV miniseries, it is quite creepier. Also, the young actors are pushed beyond what the original kids were in terms of giving their character’s heart. Yet, there is the problem it disappoints as…
The Bold Type is the perfect mold between FreeForm’s primary focus and that of its former identity, ABC Family. We get both FreeForm’s obsession with young, modelesque young adults while we get what ABC Family did best. Which is pushing the envelope, bring about diverse and intriguing stories, while also catering to that a teen…
While we are given nothing new in terms of Hotaru and Yuma’s relationship, we are given some additional insight into Fujiwara and Hotaru’s.
The Bold Type ends its first season reminding fans, and those curious, what it is essentially about. Finding love, making mistakes, showing initiative, and realizing there is more to life than your 9 to 5 and parties. Whenever possible, find meaning in your work and life for that is what makes you the bold type.
Best Of And the speaking will get easier and easier. And you will find you have fallen in love with your own vision, which you may never have realized you had. And you will lose some friends and lovers, and realize you don’t miss them. And new ones will find you and cherish you. And…
The overall goal of Wherever I Look is to fill in that space between the average fan and critic and advise you on what’s worth experiencing.