1. At this point, it depends on the political motivation of the accuser. Not to say it didn’t happen because 80% of these guys are ousting themselves but why are people naming some while staying silent on others is a question for the accusers.

        1. Backlash. Arguably, both sides get marked for life and while the accused may get jail time, lose money, or maybe their career, the accuser also takes a major life hit. Especially in the age of social media. Exposing a beloved figure is dangerous, even exposing your boss is if you don’t have a new job lined up. But, even then, if your name gets online, that will define you.

          1. Here’s how I see it. Hollywood is a still built echo chamber. Where the people on top create an atmosphere to control everything the way they want it. It’s not that people didn’t know what was going on in Hollywood, they knew and choose not to say anything for the sake of money and their careers. There are still names that the brass in Hollywood know about but they don’t want to be the ones to blow the doors open because they are comfortable with their spots. As far as black comedians, we’ll see. I don’t think Hollywood likes the look of going after black people whether warranted or not but nothing coming out of that town would surprise me at this point except for an underground bible study club.

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