This Month on Wherever I Look – March 2017 Edition
February Review So in February I finally decided to put money into what I spend a vast amount of my time. I checked out PC Mag’s “The Best Web Hosting Services of 2017” and originally started with Dreamhost. However, as their servers went down the day after I registered with them, I was scared off….
User Review
( votes)Spoiler Alert: This summary and review contains spoilers.
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February Review
So in February I finally decided to put money into what I spend a vast amount of my time. I checked out PC Mag’s “The Best Web Hosting Services of 2017” and originally started with Dreamhost. However, as their servers went down the day after I registered with them, I was scared off. So I checked out GoDaddy, which I regret, and then went to my current host 1&1. From there, I installed all the things wordpress formerly took care of for me. Something which wasn’t easy and certainly had a learning curve.
Though, with that said, I’ve learned a lot. Something which perhaps I can use in my current or next day job. Leading to what is planned for March.
If anything is marked with an * then there is a chance it will be removed from the schedule due to availability or lost of interest. Titles linked to trailers on YouTube.
Planned Movies Reviews
Logan - 3/2
This is allegedly Hugh Jackman’s final film as Wolverine and with the success of Deadpool, it seems the folks at Marvel and Fox decided that this franchise can be a hit if rated R. Though, on top of that, with the X-Men franchise in general needing new blood and a new direction, perhaps doing as DC and getting more mature could be what they need. Not to imply Spiderman films should now feature drugs, sex, and gruesome murders, but with all that happens in the X-Men universe, it is surprising this will be one of the first, especially for Wolverine, to be rated R.
Before I Fall - 3/3
Some kind of twist on Groundhog Day but featuring a teenaged girl and seemingly not being a comedy. But, I gotta admit, there is something alluring about the tone and vibe this movie gives off. At the end of the month a show named 13 Reasons Why will be on Netflix, and is noted below, and I feel like this movie has the vibe I can only hope that show will. Which is the hook for me.
*Table 19 - 3/5
I like Anna Kendrick, she is an odd and funny actress. However, this movie does not seem good enough to travel to NYC to see. So, unless it opens locally, this maybe pushed back until it comes out on VOD.
*The Salesman - 3/5
I wanted to see this even before it won a Oscar, multiple times I had plans to go NYC and see it but over and over I pushed it back. However, now it is fairly local so it is time to put up or show up. Of which, I believe I will actually go to see this two hour movie which seems so heartbreaking, but I’m not 100% yet.
Sword Art Online: Ordinal Scale - 3/9
Sword Art Online is one of my favorite anime. Not top 5, maybe not even top 10 if I am completely honest, but with it having two good seasons I would consider myself as someone who is loyal to the franchise. So while the ticket for this certainly wasn’t cheap, I will be in the theater the first day it comes out sitting with my fellow anime lovers.
Burning Sands - 3/10 to 3/12
Burning Sands to me isn’t necessarily going to be the Black version of GOAT but what GOAT was hyped up to be. A movie about the abuses that happen during hell week and why someone would put themselves through that. It just featuring Black people is a plus for me. Especially since The Quad honestly isn’t giving me the HBCU or Black folks in college scratch to this itch I only recently learned I had.
The Last Word - 3/4
I won’t say Amanda Seyfried is my favorite actress by a mile, but there is something about actresses who naturally have this vulnerable look to them that just gets to me. Plus, Shirley MacClaine is one of those actresses I feel like I would love and enjoy, it is just she is rarely in anything that pops up on my radar. In fact, the last time I probably saw her perform in anything was during her short stint on Downton Abbey, which has to be years ago.
Personal Shopper - 3/11
Kristen Stewart I have long sworn my loyalty to and I have saw her in movies I knew would bore me, like Certain Women and just suffered through it to support her career. For while she had films like that in which you feel like you are in A Clockwork Orange with your eyes forced open, then there is Camp X-Ray, American Ultra, Anesthesia and her pre-Twilight work like Into The Wild, In The Land of Women, Fierce People, and that is just to name a few. So while I can’t promise anything good, I will note it will probably be just a bit bias.
The Other Half - 3/12
It is Tatiana Maslany. She, in my opinion, is probably one of the most interesting and exciting actresses in a while. But, with that said, her movies have been either horrible, like Cas & Dylan, to good, but not overwhelming, like Woman in Gold. But with her turning up the charm and playing someone with a mental illness, this should be interesting.
Beauty and The Beast - 3/16
It’s another Disney classic being remade and honestly, as interesting as Emma Watson seems, I’m mostly curious just to see if it can compare to Léa Seydoux’s version. For with this not being a different perspective told of a Disney classic, like Maleficient, all this seems like is a cash grab. To me anyway.
The Belko Experiment - 3/17
This film has a whole bunch of white collar folk put into a death match. One in which their humanity will unravel and they will be forced to their basic survival instincts. I love the idea. Forcing those who are called “Professionals” into being the type of savages they look down upon.
Song to Song - 3/18
While Knight of Cups was a disappointment, both Christian Bale and Natalie Portman join Terrence Malick for another motion picture. Here is hoping it is better than the first, especially considering Rooney Mara, Ryan Gosling, and Michael Fassbender in the cast. But maybe I’m being optimistic.
T2 (Trainspotting 2) - 3/19
While I cannot even remember when I saw the first Trainspotting, I remember it leaving a positive impression. So here is hoping this 20-year gap sequel isn’t just remembering the glory days but becomes a contiuation of them.
Power Rangers (2017) - 3/23
Speaking of nostalgia, GO GO POWER RANGERS! For this franchise, it has been another solid 20 years since it’s last outing and my inner child is so excited. I don’t particularly know why since, after the first film, the franchise slowly but surely became trash – but ended up pushing me to watch anime. So, this is really just for my inner child and hardly at all for the adult they grew up into.
Ghost In The Shell - 3/30
Recognizing the whitewashing controversy, Scarlett Johanssen has just such great choices as an actress that it makes it hard to just ignore this because of it lacking political correctness. Plus, I watched the show and though the anime isn’t in my top 20, I enjoyed it enough to desire to see this adaptation.
The Discovery - 3/31
I’m coming to love the odd purchases Netflix makes and this seems like they took an episode idea of Black Mirror and expanded on it into a full-length film. So what more could you want?
Planned TV Show Reviews
The Arrangement - 3/5
What can I say? The first episode has me hooked and with it seemingly poking at the relationship of Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes, including what I find to be homosexual undertones, I want to see how messy this show ultimately gets. It helps that Christine Evangelista is a excellent lead.
Feud: Bette and Joan - 3/5 to 3/6
Susan Sarandon and Jessica Lange facing off in a Ryan Murphy production? Now, while I recognize that man is problematic, I think he has finally come to terms that he is at his best when he does anthologies. For, in my opinion, when it comes to shows which last multiple seasons, like Glee, he becomes bored and it shows in the work. Heck, it shows in American Horror Story if you ask me. But with this new property, among the others of which he takes celebrity lives and tries to make them into art, I’m sure it will be good.
Amy Schumer: The Leather Special - 3/7
As Amy says in the trailer, all great comedians (I can only think of Black ones) have that one strange comedy special featuring a leather outfit. This is Amy’s.
Beau Sejour: Season 1 - 3/16 - 3/19
Would it be wrong to say this gives me If I Stay vibes? Just with a drastically mature and not at all YA novel tone? Plus, I must admit, after 3%, I want to not just watch movies not in English, but TV shows too. So this will be the latest in that pursuit.
Akatsuki no Yona: Season 1 (Review) - 3/22
As noted below, while the whole “From The Archives” project is done for movies, for the most part, the TV end of that has been difficult. Mostly because, uploading 10 – 20+ episodes, is a real pain in the butt. So, as done with Switched at Birth, Mariah’s World and Believe, I’m going to read the episodes I have and try to compile old thoughts with new ones and make a post.
13 Reasons Why: Season 1 – 3/31 to 4/2
I remember reading this book years ago, creating the collected quotes post and then becoming so excited when Selena Gomez was going to play the lead (don’t judge me). Alas, she no longer is. But based off the newest trailer linked above, I’m so glad the teaser was just misleading.
Planned Books Reviews
All The Ugly and Beautiful Things
I’m hoping to have this done by the end of March.
Bord a Crime: Stories from a South African Childhood
With me being done with All The Ugly and Beautiful Things, I think this could be finished by the end of March. For it really is a funny book, of which Trevor Noah’s voice and comedic style is very present.
Planned Live Performances Reviews
John Leguizamo: Latin History for Morons - 3/4
Planned Video Game Reviews
Mass Effect: Andromeda - 3/26
Despite sucking at anything which isn’t basic like the TellTale Games, I fully intend to play this game. Reason being, Mass Effect is one of the only franchises I’ve played since I stopped being a serious gamer. So with a new story, new mechanics, and more, here is to new adventures !
New Features or Additions To The Master Posts
New Collected Quotes Postings
The Breakfast Club: Collected Quotes - 3/14
The Hollywood Reporter: Collected Quotes - 3/21
Real Time with Bill Maher: Collected Quotes - 3/19
Change in “From The Archives”
The entire “From The Archives” project has been a pain. To the point, I was ready to just scrape the project and move on with my life. However, I’m going to give it one more go. But, this time, I’m going to be a little bit more smarter about it. Similar to the Switched at Birth series overview/ review, I’m going to summarize and review the series. So, after the last two episodes of Orphan Black season 4, expect maybe one or two series overviews/reviews a month.
Original Writing (Articles, Spec Scripts, Prose/ Poetry & Birthday Card Messages)
With the “From the Archives” slowing down, “The Works of Amari Sali” will become a focus. Currently the plan is to, at least once a month, to come up with something original. Either an article like “The Importance of a Strong Central Character” or maybe a spec script. For example, there will likely be one for All The Ugly and Wodnerful Things by the end of the summer.
But, while new things will arise, expect some oldies as well. I’ll probably post a lot of short stories, prose/poems, and birthday card messages in the near future.
Looks like some fun movies coming up in the next month. I’m really a little upset that I won’t be near a cinema until the end of March so I will miss most of these and have to wait until they get a DVD release, but it will be fun to see how you like some of them (I’m really hoping SAO is good). Looking forward to your reviews.
I’m looking forward to seeing it too. Outside of the wind rises, I haven’t watched a anime in a movie theater.