1. Hi Amari! I know it’s been forever since this episode aired, but I have *finally* watched it. (Better late then never?) Anyway, I of course have to comment now that I am all caught up.

    While I agree with you that I do not want Shaun and Lea to lose their baby, and I definitely agree with you that I don’t want Alex and Morgan to get back together (Bring back Lily!), there is one thing I am not so sure of.

    Daniel has overdosed. He is a series regular I think, so I’m pretty sure he doesn’t die. But whether he shot up with heroin or morphine or whatever, your mention Daniel might “pick up where he left off” and “things could turn around for Daniel”. Assuming he gets clean, how in the world would Dr. Lim let him back in the residency program? The guy was wasn’t able to operate when Shaun gave him the chance and then he overdosed on drugs! Call me narrow-minded, but I don’t want this guy operating on me days or even months after he had to be rushed to the hospital for taking too many drugs. I’ll be very curious to see how they handle this.

    1. And damn if they didn’t just put him on probation like we weren’t told less than a season ago how in demand Dr. Lim’s program was. Never mind, for multiple seasons, being told the hospital wasn’t doing the best financially. So in my mind, having the liability of a recovering addict, even with all this supervision, seems a bit dangerous. I get, part of what “The Good Doctor” wants to push is that you shouldn’t underestimate people based on stereotypes or your own prejudice but, I feel that this is an example of them bending things for the sake of a storyline than to make a point.

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