1. Surprising that you skipped the preceding episode: Ahh… Welp!

    With the way this show has gotten since Season 4, probably for the Best. Jared alone can’t shoulder the weight of whole show, nor is it just to expect any one person to do so. So I guess it’s all:

    Whatever happens, happens for better.

    So to cover a bit from the preceding episode: Hmmm.. Since when was the relationship between Andrews and Dallisay even hinted? It was totally out-of-the-blue. Guess the writers realised, just like I did, upon watching featurettes of the show for home-media such as “bloopers” that the potentially Filipino-origin actress is literally there since the 2nd season, so they decided to have her suddenly jump through a homicidal trauma — into dating with none-other-than the President of the hospital.

    Speaking of that, let’s move on to this episode..:
    Asher “I voted for Trump ‘cus he supports Is’rāel[ more so nakedly than any other POTUS before him]” Wolke being so judgemental about “rich {silence}” is the time when irony fell from Nirvāna to its death. How much time has passed since that good “judge[-of-character]” got himself rewarded with probation ‘cus he would rather be complicit in an outright ethical thing once that person asking a rather very measured-question retorted with nothing-but-a-glorified-argumentum ad hominem since her very first day. Get whom I’m referring to? Jared should have done the very same, ‘cus unlike her — his behaviour to somebody with Jared’s standing( may read credentials) makes his knee-jerk “sAsS” all the more perfectly-indefensible.
    My, goodness…!
    What a straight-out lie the synopsis for this episode was, if it was “human-error”( “Dr Lim” & “her” instead of ‘Dr Andrews’ and ‘his’) — that I wonder whether systemic-misogyny is at play.. At Sony®!
    And many keyboard-warriors and their glorified-counterparts critics alike went “go girl!” to Lim rejecting Andrews’ apology mostly ‘cus: He undermined her in front of that whole OR, while quietly begging forgiveness in private. But if that is the horse you are gonna beat.. Then guess you have to continue beating long after its death given that Shaun’s very very rare apologies for something he has done in public, almost-always tend to be in private[ to the person he has hurt/offended]. So why not start from there, eh? Nevermind that he was going around calling a “M” patient ‘the T-word’ based on flimliest of conspiracy-thriller lines-of-logic and was never made to apologise — but I guess in both of that case and Asher’s superciliousness[ especially the “jUsTiFiCaTiOn” for voting 45th POTUS to Power], it’s all nothingburger since those oh-so-iconoclastic views ‘just happen to’ align with the “developer” of this adaptation, Mr David Shore.

    1. P.S. Also..

      What’s with the sudden problem with the Board since the preceding-episode?

      I thought guest character Salen had doled-out the entirety of hospital to Andrews’ name and we never heard of any ownership-changes/restructuring for 1½+ seasons until it getting suddenly reintroduced into the “Dallisay dating Andrews” subplot in the preceding-episode( “A Blip”) which, I reiterate: Came out-of-the-blue.

      1. Last, but not the least: One of your peers aka fellow critics have drummed hard on the “misogyny” angle but more than that..

        …They are reading into the fact that Andrews is particularly having problem with Asian ciswomen staffers only. Even as they conclude that the writers won’t have sufficient courage to go through with it, they are still trying to be edgy by euphemising contemporary-racism as a “grey-area” — any thoughts on that?

        ‘Cus.. Having seen all of that..

        …Strikes I as reasonable-conclusion that: He’s going full control-freak ‘cus of the mysteriously resurgent “Board” after so, so, so many seasons.
        If any thing: It’s more that he has problem with [broadly-defined ]Asian staffers in general — than something with misogynist-undercurrent.(
        Cue Dr Jared Kālū.)

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