Shaun crying as his brother forgives him
"Shaun crying as his brother forgives him," The Good Doctor, "Afterparty," directed by Mike Listo, 2022, (ABC)


  1. I hope Morgan and Alex don’t get back together! Ugh! Not after they’ve finally broken up! I am interested to see what will happen to Alex if he stays single, like whether he will get an actual decent storyline.

  2. Hi Armani! Yay, more of The Good Doctor! I agree with you on everything you wrote – It’s great to see Steve again! And I’m very interested in what’s in store for Dr. Lim in the upcoming episodes.

    One other thing – I was surprised the writers actually broke up Alex and Morgan. While I won’t miss their flirting or affectionate scenes, I’m actually curious to see what they will be like in the future now that Morgan gave up a job for a guy that dumped her and Alex is working with a woman that wanted a job more then him.

    1. More than likely, Morgan and Alex will get back together. For Morgan, they may have her double down on work, but unless one of the new doctors catch her eye, I can’t imagine them allowing her to be happily single, married to her work, and coming off fulfilled. They just don’t allow people to do that.

      As for Alex? He’s the wildcard since, as we’ve talked about before, he hasn’t had a quality storyline in a very long time. They tried to bring his ex and child into the show, and that didn’t pan out. They’ve long strayed away from his former life as a cop, and Morgan was his life raft for a while. So now it is a serious sink or swim moment.

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