1. I forgot to mention – Under Highlights, you’re right, Salen is a good villain! I am anxious to see what will happen next with her and Dr. Lim! I wonder if Dr. Andrews is going to become the new Chief of Surgery?

  2. Hi Amari! It’s great to be back reading your wonderful reviews again!! Especially when we are thinking alike! 🙂 For the first time since Lea suddenly decided she loved Shaun, I am “On the Fence” about those two dating. I listened closely to their argument at the end of the show, and right before she broke up with Shaun, Lea started twisting his words as if to fabricate a reason to be mad at Shaun and then make up a reason to break up with him. The whole thing rang false to me. So when you asked if Lea could be written off, for the first time ever I thought that was an actual possibility. And for the first time ever I didn’t mind the idea.

    P.S. I like this new format here in the Comments Section!

    1. Excuse the delay, my time management has been terrible this past week.

      Just finished the most recent episode, and while I appreciate Lea recognizing they have kinks to work out in their relationship, I feel that the show really needs to take seriously that Shaun doesn’t find peace with Lea. To me, getting with her is treated as an accomplishment to make up for all the girls who made fun of him or tricked him. She feels like a symbol and I think when they broke up, it ruined that rose-colored glasses view he had of her. He saw her as she truly is and while he seems committed to loving that person again, it’s hard to not feel like… I wouldn’t say he is settling but definitely looking to boost his ego in some ways.

      1. I definitely do not consider you replying just 2 days later any kind of “delay”, especially with how busy you are!!

        I have yet to see this week’s episode (my time management is worse then yours) 🙂 . But based on everything up to that, I find your analysis “getting with her is treated as an accomplishment to make up for all the girls who made fun of him or tricked him” very interesting! It’s like Lea was the ultimate cool girl and if Shaun could get with her, then he would have proved all of those mean girls wrong. Like you wrote, a symbol of what he could accomplish.

        1. Also, and maybe I’m projecting when I say this, but it would also bridge/reconcile the massive accomplishments in his career with his personal life. For with his brother dead, father gone, and mother still being a strained relationship, getting the chance to make a new family without the baggage of the past would be ideal.

          Yet, with Lea, he seems to realize he can’t escape the pain of the past. Shaun can’t escape his diagnosis with accolades, job titles, and relationships. He can’t pick and choose when and what can be marketed and damn the rest. He has to fully embrace who he is and even how some people may react to that.

          Hence the conversation regarding expecting someone to love you when you can’t love yourself. Shaun, in my eyes, learned to tolerate or ignore his autism, maybe even fight to overcome it – especially when it comes to moving up in society. But he hasn’t been able to with Lea, even Carly, allow someone to love him with that being part of the package.

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