1. Hi Amari! I think this is the first time in a long time that I didn’t agree with you on everything. I agree that Jordan and Asher are a fun and entertaining “couple”! And I had forgotten that Alex used to be a cop, but as soon as I read that, I thought, “Then why was he so sympathetic of Abby and her situation?” right before I read your assessment, which was kind of similar.

    So where I disagree is in your opinion of Salen. While her handling of Lea was very good, she is still a little loopy and weird. I was hoping those qualities would disappear once everyone knew who she was. But when she wandered into Dr. Lim’s office, for example, and Dr. Lim asked her if she had her own office, she put on her space cadet voice and said something about her assistant mentioning it to her instead of just saying “yes”. It makes me wonder if the “tell” Dr. Glassman said he saw in Salen when negotiating with her was the loopy voice she sometimes uses. I wish she would drop that voice, which makes her sound like she’s 10, and act like the head of the hospital that she is!

    1. But that’s the beautiful thing about Salen. It isn’t clear if she uses the eccentric tone to be underestimated or if she is just out there? And I have to admit, her not acting stuffy and as people would expect the head of a hospital to act is refreshing. We got more than enough uptight characters on this show – let’s have someone whose personality doesn’t seem stunted by the stress they are under.

      1. I don’t know. We’ll see how bad it is in the next episode. It got better going from the first episode to the 2nd episode, so maybe there will be even less of that “loopiness” in the 3rd episode. I think Salen can be eccentric without sounding like a 10-year-old. Shaun sounds unique but not goofy or childish, so maybe Salen can, too.

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