1. Hi Amari! Please forgive how late in the week this comment is.

    I thought The Good Doctor reached its lowest point when it tried to bore us to death with the relationship between Dr. Glassman and Debbie (which was even duller then Alex and his ex-wife). But that was nothing compared to the patient who miraculously recovered on the operating table after she was dead in last week’s (or the week before’s) episode. However that was riveting and realistic drama compared to the anticlimactic b.s. that was the end of Salen. Salen won’t go against Dr. Andrews, but now Salen and Dr. Andrews aren’t dating anymore, let alone speaking to each other? (My guess is that yes, they have broken up.) Such a big deal was made about Shaun (and Jordan) standing with everyone, but now we won’t see Shaun’s speech?!? I want to see Shaun make his speech!! I feel like they robbed me of that! (Although I agree with you that watching him stand up to Salen when did ‘not’ quit the hospital was pretty cool!) That definitely should have been a two-part episode with the second part being the actual Pension Board Meeting because the way they ended Salen’s arc was terrible!

    One thing I didn’t understand was – Did Morgan actually send a letter to Nira saying she did not offer her the experimental eye surgery that would have restored her vision to save the hospital money? I thought she showed Alex that letter and said she sent it. If so, even though Nira is happy, and the moral of the story is you can’t do every experimental surgery there is, isn’t that opening the hospital to all kinds of lawsuits? Couldn’t Nira argue she should have been given the option of the experimental surgery? Or am I misunderstanding what happened?

    1. Nira seemingly let the situation go but did pull the money that was going to the clinic – hence Dr. Andrews saying it’ll likely have to be shut down.

      And you know that they can’t worry about what is legal when they all pulling miracle procedures left and right lol

      1. Thanks for clearing that up for me!

        I’m looking forward to the next miracle procedure!!

        Onto the next Good Doctor episode. I’m falling behind. I still haven’t watched last Monday’s. 🙁

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