1. I agree with you, Amari, this whole meet the parents-plot was not only about Shaun being more capable of handling social interactions; it was very much about exploring fears Lea had – probably for a long time. When we met Shaun’s parents back in 310 “Friends and Family”, Lea shared some fond memories of her parents with Shaun and a very grouchy Glassy in that bar, although she had stressed before what a disaster her family was.

    Lea had some unfinished business with her parents (well, probably her mother mostly) she feared to face, just as Shaun hesitated to confront his father.

    Again, it becomes clear that this episode resonates with previous episodes, but while Shaun had to deal with an abusive father and abandonment by a weak mother, Lea’s story is that of a teenager rebelling (marriage right out of high school!) against a judgmental, domineering mother and a subservient father who tries to mediate and accommodate (take note that all the hard talk was done by Pam while Mike tried to diffuse the tension).

    While Shaun lacked parent’s love, Lea obviously lacked her parent’s affirmation. Which might explain her low self-esteem. For describing herself as needy, she in fact is constantly seeking (self-) affirmation. Thus, she readily accepts Shaun’s praise of her perfect body in front of the newbies in 403 and even stresses how enjoyable her breasts are. That’s why Shaun’s mention of her voice had such and devastating effect on her. And that’s why her parents’ verdict still matters to Lea, although Shaun early on points out that it is of no consequence because they’re adults.

    Looking at Lea’s family history this way, there is some resemblance to how Morgan the “little plodder” (313) is troubled by her artistic mother. And I wonder if this is the reason why Morgan was – again after 306 – part of a rehearsal for Shaun’s benefit when Debbie would have been a much more logical choice to accompany Glassman in a private setting.

    As for when Debbie will be seen again? It is hard to tell, but if we get scenes at a fundraiser, she might tag along. That also would be a good opportunity for a guest appearance of Tamlyn Tomita, but this season is firmly committed to interpersonal relationships, while her character Aoki always represented hospital politics. As long as the character is not strictly necessary for the narrative, such as re-instating Glassman as president in 301, we probably won’t see her again.

  2. Beautiful musings on a beautiful episode, Amari. Yet, I have to contradict two of your conclusions. 😉

    The case of the week was obviously still linked to the main characters, although it was mostly an inversion of the dilemmas the others faced. Darya thought of herself to be mature enough to be fine without her parent while she needed the guidance of her father; the others had to free themselves from the influence their parents still had over their lives and heads.

    The second is that the dinner with Lea’s parents went considerably well. It did not. It was a well-hidden afront. Pam’s deliberate pause between “Is it hard?” and “For you?” made clear that for Lea’s mother, Shaun’s accomplishments as a surgeon are superseded by his autism.

    Lea’s parents, or rather her mother, thought being with Shaun was an act of rebellion, that she was using Shaun’s autism to get under her parents’ skin – implying that a neurotypical girl wouldn’t truly love an autistic boy. Nice wording for sugarcoating the prejudice. Pam was taking them both out in one shot, indeed.

    It was the perfect occasion for Shaun to stand up for his girlfriend, showing how far he has come in understanding how his relationship with Lea works. Although, for his speech, he was putting to good use what he witnessed in episode 106 “Not Fake”, when a judge said the same about knowing the same person now and then to parents and a bride were arguing about amputating the groom’s leg.

    So, The Good Doctor continues to visit older scenarios and apply it to new stories, illustrating how characters have changed over the course of three and a half seasons – or not.

    Because when it comes to Claire, by her actions in “Parenting”, her character appears more to be weathered than matured. When pressed hard, Claire still falls back to her old ways: being manipulative and ruthless in pursuing her goals.
    In 204 “Tough Titmouse”, Claire was caught between her 18-year-old rock climber and her parents. When the young women declined Claire’s proposal for a procedure that would immobilize her neck and end her sport (it probably didn’t help that the patient chose Morgan’s therapy proposal instead), Claire manipulated the parents to have her daughter declared mentally incompetent. Thus, leaving the women with a life-long disability, unable to perform her passion and so estranged to her parents that she never wanted to see them again.

    All of this just because Claire was projecting her problems with her own mother on the case, as she admitted later that episode (and competing with Morgan). Claire can be a very destructive force – just as her mother. This is the tragedy of this well-liked, empathetic character, a dark side well hidden, striking you down out of the blue.

    Will that blow in her face now with Glassman knowing? Certainly. Claire pushed every button with the hospital president she needed. He has to act know. He is responsible for the safety and health of his employees, for providing the best care for the patients – and he must answer to the board about all of that. Claire has both, Lim and Glassman, cornered. Just as she pulled strings with Aoki to be reinstated after Melendez had her removed from his team.

    But this will certainly re-define her relationships with Lim and to a lower extend with Glassman for the second half of the season. And it could all blow up at the annual fundraiser they’re busy planning. Remember the other fundraiser back in episode 115 “Heartfelt”, when Jared broke up with Claire?

    And speaking of projections and a certain hospital president, Glassy the Grouchy Second Dad wasn’t just fearing for the worst with Shaun, because when he claimed that the relationship with Lea was rushed, he actually was speaking of his head over heels-proposal to Debbie – and we know that they have been struggling with that ever since. 😉

    1. I understand where you’re coming from. For the second point, I would like to follow up if you think Lea herself wasn’t just prepping Shaun for her parents but maybe expressing her own fears? Because, after the Carly arc, and taking note how you remind us everything is a reference to a previous episode, I was thinking maybe this was to show that, despite how some see Shaun’s social skills, he is more flexible and adaptable than given credit for? Hence it going well, in my mind, since, while Lea’s parents were certainly ignorant, they weren’t antagonistic to the level of Shaun’s father, which is what I was expecting based on her build-up.

      And your mention of Debbie makes me wonder when she might be featured, considering Glassman is now interacting with characters, as well as whether Allegra is considered written off the show or will reappear at the fundraiser?

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