1. Amari, please don’t put these pictures into my mind! Shaun and Morgan having a baby… that qualifies for a Steven King novel! 🙂 Though, thanks for the shout-out. 😉 Mirroring is indeed a good keyword for the reason the newbies were introduced to the show. Their characters are all designed to mirror certain personality traits of the senior residents, yet in a different mix.

    As you already noted, Amari, the senior residents have some routine in dealing with each other’s quirks after three years, confronting them with their own shortcomings by the younger, eager newbies will give their character development a new kick.

    David Shore already gave in TGDs predecessor House MD a shake-up at the start of season 4 by bringing in new characters. Though, while House MD simply replaced House’s diagnostic team with new characters, this time the newbies are there to augment the regulars. This is an interesting experiment and I’m eager to see how the show manages to allocate the appropriate screen time. I agree with Emily that in episode 403 they did this quite well, they even managed to expand Lea’s character in the process (by the way, people pretending to be ants is a real thing, just google it).

    Outside of me being a die-hard #Shea supporter, I guess we will have to keep a keen eye on Claire and Morgan’s relationship. One episode post GhostMelendez, it is unclear to me in which direction the show is taking Claire.

    Beneath her public display of empathy and kindness, Claire always deployed rather maladaptive coping mechanisms for her various problems. Although she said in the previous episode that Melendez had changed her forever, Claire was almost even more aggressive and short-tempered this episode than after her mother’s death. Again, Claire is driving her peers away. There’s definitely more to come for her in the next episodes and it is an interesting question if Morgan will again play a major role in it.

    Two self-described straight women slowly realizing that they might find comfort in a same-sex relationship would be an intriguing multi-season arc and with Liz Friedman, who is openly lesbian, there is even a writer on the team who could bring much personal insight into the story.

  2. I’ll start with I think I goofed with the “Submit Rating”. I meant to submit a “Positive” rating, but I think it came out “Mixed” even though my “Overall Opinion” is definitely “Positive”. Oops!

    I did not think this episode would go well and there would be no time for much of anything with our main cast because of all of the time the newbies would take up. But then I saw when they got rid of Debbie, Kellen, Mia, and Dr. Melendez, that freed up a lot of time for Shaun and Lea, Claire and Morgan, and Glassman and Morgan plus Glassman and Shaun. I would love it if every episode was like that!

    I really like the newbies, too! It does shake things up! And now that I can see how they won’t take over the show, I’m very curious to see what will happen with them next!

    To answer your unanswered question, I read an interview with the executive producer, and he said just the first 2 episodes would be during the COVID pandemic. Then starting with tonight’s episode, the episodes take place in a world where there is no pandemic yet still in The Good Doctor timeline (as evidenced by Morgan’s condition, Shaun and Lea’s romance, Dr. Lim and Claire getting to know each other better, etc.)

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