1. Very interesting theory as to why Alex gave the nurses donuts. I just figured it was to make the conversations in the OR be more favorable for him and perhaps make some of the pre-op work go easier with the nurses helping him out more. I can also see that Alex would feel they are the only network he has to go to. But I’m not sure the nurses would be helpful in influencing any hiring decisions, even though that is what Alex is hoping for. I think Dr. Melendez and Dr. Andrews, and maybe to a lesser extent Dr. Lim, all ignore the nurses except when asking them for a surgical instrument, and they would not consider the nurses’ point of view, even as a group, on the same level as their own regarding a decision as important as the next doctor of their hospital.

  2. I felt kind of dumb while reading the part of your recap dealing with Morgan, Alex and the complaint against Dr. Melendez. While I was watching the show, when Alex said he filed the complaint, I believed him. Then when Dr. Lim said Morgan filed the complaint, I gasped because I actually thought both of them did! Oops! Either Alex told Claire he filed it just to shut her up (because she was going on and on about it) or to mess with Claire’s head because Dr. Melendez kept agreeing with her during the surgery with the 3 of them and he was so annoyed and huffy about it. Then when Dr. Lim confronted Morgan about the complaint being made to protect herself from being fired, I thought Morgan lied to Dr. Lim. I figured Morgan knew that with her RA getting worse, sooner or later she was going to do something in the operating room that couldn’t be fixed, and this was her insurance policy to keep her job. So she filed that complaint knowing full well it was to protect herself and why. Oops again! I’m glad I read your recap to kind out what’s going on :)!!

    I was invested in Carly, too. You know I like the actress, and now it looks the end is near (or here) for her. I was hoping Lea wasn’t end game, and that Carly wasn’t just a bridge. I feel duped, too. Sigh.

    I miss Dr. Andrews. I’d like him to come back, now that hopefully complaint-gate is finished. But I think they’ll keep Alex so one of the surgeons has someone annoying to operate with and rub up against. However, I agree with you that I would like an episode or 2 without him.

    1. A part of me feels that Alex knows he isn’t making friends with Morgan, Claire, or Shaun, and with that he is on his own and can’t use some kind of network. For, as Morgan said when she came in, Shaun has Dr. Glassman and that has him locked in. Claire has/ had Dr. Melendez and had a moment with Dr. Lim, who seems invested in her. Then with Morgan, we saw her chummy up with Dr. Andrews about writing a paper the last time we saw him.

      So with all those people named, who is Alex supposed to pair up with? Hence him seeking the nurses’ favor and thinking about working the base rather than kissing up. Right now, the nurses are the only ones up for grabs in terms of building a network that could influence potential hiring decisions.

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