1. Hmm, though I don’t agree with Dr. Andrews decision I’m not surprised by it and feel it comes from a place of ego.

    I believe in time he’ll find it really challenging working both positions.
    If/when that happens it’ll be great seeing how his wife, and him are progressing in their marriage because that storyline just got dropped.

    I’ll also, like Dr. Glassman to recover fully; reclaiming his position. Otherwise what’s the point of him being on the show. Plus I really enjoy d him and that women getting to know each other, and would like it to develop into a healthy/loving relationship. I believe it’ll be good for Dr. Glassman.

    1. I don’t foresee Dr. Glassman ever getting to be president again. As for the point of him being on this show? It is being the closest thing to a father figure Shaun ever had. On top of that, he is the only person from Shaun’s past, before becoming a doctor, who has a active role in his life.

      Hopefully though, with him being humbled episode by episode, he may get over seeming and being vulnerable and open up his heart to Debbie.

      1. I am very curious to see which way they go with the Chief of Surgery position. It could go either way – Dr. Andrews naming himself because he is full of himself and then that ends up negatively affecting his home life; OR he names himself because the writers didn’t like the long term ramifications of Lim or Melendez getting the position. You both make good arguments that now I’m not sure which one it is. I guess we’ll see this spring. I did laugh when Shaun won all of the money in the pool :)!

        I like Shaun and Lea’s relationship the way it is. I’m very pleased that the writers have come up with ways for them to be “just friends” and do fun things together without Shaun calling Lea “my girlfriend” anymore. And I really like your idea of having a guest star be Lea’s boyfriend. I guess I’m not ready for Shaun and Lea to hook up because it is only the 2nd season of this show. That’s a dumb reason, but I want to watch them be friends longer, and maybe even see Shaun date a nurse at the hospital before he and Lea get together.

        I agree with you that the show is starting to sputter. I found your comment about their specialties very interesting. Seriously, do all 4 of them want to study general surgery?! None of them want to do anything else? Besides that, I think the episode was a little repetitive when portraying the interns, and they need to shake things up after the break to avoid any sophomore slump!

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