1. Re. Dr. Melendez and Claire, I think you hit it right on the head with him taking her off the team using the “going to the patient” excuse so he doesn’t seem sexist. Nice call!! I thought that reason (especially when he tried to back it up with “I welcome the interns questioning my decisions”, which is baloney because he used to get so annoyed at Shaun every time Shaun would question him!) was definitely not the real reason he wanted her off the team. But being called out for being sexist in the O.R. was not an experience he wanted to go through again, and without Claire there, he most likely won’t. But I wonder if Claire will be too upset by this to want to date him. I know I’d be like “Get lost, dude!”
    I’m still not sure I like Shaun and Lea sharing an apartment, but I’ll keep an open mind, since I enjoyed this episode with them. But I totally agree that it is time to see the personal life of another resident. I vote for Morgan first.

    1. It’s hard to tell with Claire since we’ve barely gotten to know much beyond her mom being a mess and her growing up poor. As for her dating life, all we have to go by is Jared and that was a relationship of convenience for both. I still believe something could happen between them but will admit it seems less likely by the episode. I don’t think Dr. Melendez likes not being in control or right. Maybe because of his upbringing or just being a butt head.

      I dig Lea and Shaun sharing an apartment and yet, like you, I have some reservations. Only because I feel Shaun will make more of it than Lea will and she already can see that happening. Add in what others will say when they find out, like Morgan, and thus the frustration builds.

      As for Morgan going first? I don’t know… My fear is they’ll humanize her in a way which takes away from her edge. One of the things I’ve always liked about her is that she doesn’t handle Shaun like he is delicate. Making her often seem like a villain when really she just challenges him to gain some intuitive. That is, as opposed to asking people over and over until he gets an answer which sits well with him.

      1. While Dr. Melendez was able to not be a father for Jessica, I think that was because he saw Jessica as his equal. He sees Claire as his subordinate, so I think he’ll always feel the need to be in control over her, thus imo not opening the door to any type of romantic relationship, at least not while she is still a resident. And like I said with Claire, I still feel she won’t want to date him while there is an imbalance of power.

        I agree that Shaun is already making more about the apartment then Lea, which is obviously not good. And I shudder to think what Morgan will say about them sharing an apartment. Speaking of Morgan, I hope there is a way to look into her background without humanizing her. I would really like to know what makes her tick, but you are totally right in that I don’t want to feel sorry for her or have her lose her edge. Maybe the writers can find a nice balance.

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