One Comment

  1. Dr. Glassman – Lol “what Uber driver is going to drive that damn far…over a high school crush?”!! And may I add, How in the world did she stay awake that long?? With this story line, it felt like they were killing two birds with one stone – give Dr. Glassman something to do because it is like he just HAS to be in every gosh darn episode and help Shaun with his feelings for Lea. So both felt forced.

    Also, I agree, the romance between Dr. Lim and Dr. Melendez feels a little forced.
    I think if they just spent some time on the show together that was not in the hospital, then we could see they got along naturally.

    Claire had more then 3 lines!!!! Finally!!!! And LOL even louder – “on screen due to her actress’ contract.”!!! Maybe she does the patient consoling while other story lines play out. The new Chief of Surgery is coming next episode. Maybe Shaun either finds someone he can date (I liked your possibility of Shaun having a relationship before the Lea end-game.) or confronts Lea about Jake. Maybe we see more of Drs. Lim and Melendez together. And of course Dr. Glassman will be shoved in there somewhere. But I hope Claire finds something to speak up about soon to give herself a new story line.

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