1. I don’t give a damn Amari, Darla deserves soooooo much better and needs to go to D.C. with her son blue and her parents for a bit. RA is a DUMBASS, who didn’t deserve to have his name be put on the land as owner anyway. It was basically just a pity gift from Ernest anyway. The letter, remember that lol the letter/Ernest basically said that he was giving RA the land because he knew that RA needed something, because he had nothing in his life, that if Ernest gave RA the land that maybe, hopefully he would get his life back on track, and yet here we are. Few years doing good, now this. Freaking dumbass! Darla did the work and the best that she could in order to change her ways to become a better, daughter, mother, now this jackass is trying to ruin all of that by his actions, because in the end it does effect all of them. : /

    1. Let’s give Ralph Angel some credit now. When things started out, he had no issues asking and getting help. The problem is, while Ralph Angel might be progressive in terms of people’s sexual expression, he still has that machismo about asking women for help it seems. Plus, lest we forget, Vi cut him deep with questioning his manhood and I think that really got to him.

      Which isn’t to excuse Ralph Angel’s insecurities, but I think he has grown, just not at the rate Darla has since RA is still a bit coddled. Hence Hollywood going so hard at him, since he probably has had a inkling to do so for a while, he just didn’t have a reason that made it necessary. Especially since, at least once, by Charley or Nova, he was reminded he wasn’t blood.

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