1. Honestly, I never know what to add. Between what is said in the recap and your thoughts, it sometimes feels like repeating ourselves.

    I will say though, I’m glad her mother called and we were reminded she is still around. But I do want her dad around more. That and for her to not get back with Ralph Angel.

  2. Hey Amari! Great review! I know its been a couple of weeks since we last talked, but this episode is what we NEEDED for our Darla. We have been seeing Darla on the edge ever since Nova’s book was released, we have always been teased and have wondered if the writers were ever going to have Darla relapse, well we got our answer tonight.

    I always figure that since Darla was able to keep her sobriety despite all of the dirt that was thrown in her face in season 2 that this situation with the book wasn’t going to break her, boy I was wrong.

    Also I love how a bit of our ideas and speculations about what happened to Darla that night in D.C. was somewhat confirmed with this episode as well. Also shout out to Darla going to Georgetown! Jordan is a snake ? and the worst type of friend to have. BL has shown us a complete masterclass of her craft in acting!!!!

    Okay I’m going to let you go now! Thoughts?

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