Nova smiling as she learns she got a six figure book deal.


  1. I can imagine another second half push once all the “leads” are established. Not that she isn’t but you know.

  2. Right. I was just going to bring her up. She looked nice during that video chat lol I believe she does have a job. Like I said before. I don’t think her parents would leave her high and dry after returning home. Especially when they find out how she was treated by the B family. It wouldn’t surprise me if Darla got a bit of help from her parents on getting herself together. Whether we actually see all of that is anyone’s guess. We may have jumped the gun a bit to quickly in thinking we’d see a whole lot of Darla in terms of her going back to D.C. the writers clearly like to write for her but maybe see the whole idea of focusing on Darla on D.C. a bit much lol They probaly want to refocus the show back to the main characters. Even though I believe the split locations could work lol

  3. Speaking of Darla, I wonder what she is doing with herself now? Clearly she got her hair done and seemingly is better than she was. However, does she have a job, is she living with her parents? Maybe going back to school? I was hoping episode 2 would have given some hints but I guess Darla is going to just pop in and out as needed until needed for some drama.

  4. It sucks that their relationship was destroyed because of this need for shock value. Like I know for the show drama needs to happen life needs to happen, but I won’t ever stop saying that this storyline was a huge setback and misstep for the show.
    Even though BL continues to pull all sorts of emotions out of me when to comes to Darla and all that she has been through lol Great acting.

  5. Low-key, I believe Charley was willing to screw over Darla solely so that she could get closer to her family. You know, for once not be the outsider and instead be the one pushing someone out.

  6. Of course AV and N would object to having Blue. I would question Charley because of how much they bonded last season but considering how abruptly Charley fired Darla in the first place over this situation I don’t think Charley would be so quick to jump in Darla’s circle. Especially since RA and her are now ya know bondjng. Also both families do have money now. But your right this show never does simple or easy, so of course there will be some sort of court issue is going to happen.

  7. I’ve seen a lot of people online saying how they hope Darla doesnt try and take Blue. And my whole thing is why couldn’t she. She still has her rights and she has a stable job and she has remained clean. Also if Blue shows that he wants to go with Darla then can they really say no. Like I hate how people are dismissing Darla like she isnt Blues mom. She made a mistake but she has shown for the last two seasons that she is a good mother to blue. I’m just for the two of them to co parent and split time between weekends.

  8. I think her story, is going to mirror Charley’s. Professionally, she is going to pretty much have it together but when it comes to her personal life? A mess. And with what happens in episode 2, I don’t feel like Ralph Angel may put up a huge fight. He’ll definitely want visitation rights, but unless Vi or someone else gets involved, I think he’d be cool with Darla having primary custody.

  9. So I guess we were a little dumb in thinking that Darla would be all happy go lucky this season. What with a potential custody battle going down I don’t see how we would get a smiling happy Darla. Considering the circumstances in which Blue was conceived as well, it doesnt seem like things will be going smoothly for Darla too much this season. Thoughts?

  10. Well, considering how Blue and Darla face time, at the very least it isn’t an abrupt, where did mommy go, kind of distance. She still seems to have a routine with him, just not a physical presence.

    And, you know, for now I want to assume that while the B family is petty, they wouldn’t keep a boy from his momma. May let Darla know not to do anything funny, but would probably smile in her face when he is around and grimace when he isn’t.

  11. I don’t think you are being harsh but it does make me wonder how corporal punishment will be handled in this show. They are Black southerners so I’m sure spankings are part of the culture. It is just the question of whether RA believes in them or not. Much less, is he afraid to hit Blue?

  12. I’m glad that Blue hasn’t been to hard on Darla and that he is still actively asking about her. We talked about if Blue would become angry and dismissive of Darla. Because she left again. At least for this episode we see that he still wants to see her and is waiting for her. Although, sadly, that can still change if Blue learns more information or if the B family ends up putting up more of fight in not letting Darla see Blue or see his grandparents. That’s where the whole custody thing may come into play. They seem to forget that Darla is his mother. To me is seems like they tend to use Blue as like bargaining chip or like some form of punishment towards Darla. Not letting her see him. Idk maybe I’m going a bit too into but that’s how I feel sometimes.

    P.S. check out my last comment about Blue and his discipline.

  13. But the sad thing is Blue isn’t just acting out because Darla is gone. The boy hasn’t had any real discipline for the past two seasons. Remember in season 2 when Darla was telling Blue to go to sleep and he says no. Darla looks at RA for some support and he just looks at her. Doesn’t have her back or anything. Didn’t do anything when Blue was tearing up the house cause of Kenya. When Blue was messing around at the restaurant. Darla handled that, only for RA to run and comfort Blue. Like come on, Darla putting a little bass in her voice ain’t gonna kill the boy. Even with this episode, Blue talking back not listening getting in trouble at school. Missing his mom is one thing. But RA has got to stop letting the boy act up. Like I get it Blue acting up because he misses Darla is one thing, but again it can easily turn in to baby Blue just being disrespectful. Again if I’m being a little to harsh thab let me know lol. I just feel like there has to be a line.

  14. I guess they figured, between Vi and Hollywood, that is more than enough couple drama there. Why have multiple couples on the same show go through different relationship issues when you can have just one?

  15. No I get it. But it just upsets me that with Blue finally starting to come into his own and us seeing him get bigger it has to be on back of the fact that RA isnt Blue’s biological father. Like would it have been so bad to actually have RA and Darla marry and still give them drama. Couldn’t Blue still act out and all of that? Did we have to bring into question his whole biological conception? Like again, still not over it lol

    But yes, Blue rightfully so has questions and wants to know where his mom is at whether or not RA is mature enough and can man up to talk to Blue is a whole kother story.

  16. Is it wrong the acting out doesn’t worry me as much as it excites me. Blue evolving past this innocent thing, who sort of lightens the mood, to having his own issues should be interesting. Granted, he is only 7 or 8 in the show but, with that being old enough to hear the truth, I do wonder if he’ll find out from overhearing or will he be told directly?

  17. Yeah. Of course the writers have RA go straight to the bottle and a piece of ass lol Not like the brother ever talks to anyone about his problems. I hope they don’t saddle this boy with another pregnacy I HOPE not. But yeah baby Blue is going to act out sadly. B family was so quick to cast Darla out and make her feel so low that she didn’tt even feel worthy to stay in St. Jo’s now they all wanna act shocked when the son of that same woman starts to act out.

  18. I felt a certain type of way she got face timed into the episode. It’s Emmy voting season and one of the top performers from season 1 you got doing a video chat?

    Also, you wanna take bets how long RA’s ho phase lasts because? Something tells me the first half is just going to be him sleeping through St. Jo to get over Darla and probably him getting someone pregnant by the end of the season.

  19. I dug the episode and this review. Is it wrong that I kind of missed Darla lol Also we called it lol Not shocked that RA ain’t the father if not than all of last season would have been for nothing. Also I called it again, Darla was going to come back refreshed and determined to do right by her boy lol she was looking mighty nice during that FaceTime chat with Blue lol Thoughts?

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