1. Thank you for the incredibly thoughtful reply! I’m sorry I took so long to get back to you! Your reasoning as to why Miss Ford would mentor Papi is an excellent one and has made me rethink my position. Maybe Papi won’t be an embarrassment to Miss Ford like I thought he would be and would actually be an asset to her. I hope they explore this next season so I can see how it is working out with Papi and Miss Ford.

    And of course I really want to see the teenagers have a decent storyline. But I agree with you that a spin-off for Pose isn’t in the cards.

    With comments like this one, where I’m saying how smart you are and how I agree with everything you wrote, feel free not to respond. You watch and review so many shows and movies, I don’t know when you have time to sleep 🙂

  2. Despite your review being posted a looong time ago, I’m going to comment on it anyway, even though you most likely won’t read this.

    In regards to nobody noticing Blanca missing from the balls, I wonder if anyone bothered looking for her. Elektra only looks out for Elektra (and occasionally for her children); Pray Tell might have been too busy MC’ing to pay attention to whether she was there or not (plus they were fighting); Lulu was probably too busy rebuilding the House of Ferocity and mourning Candy, so she gets a pass; but I don’t really have an excuse for Angel and Papi, who definitely should have noticed!

    I was o.k. with Miss Ford giving Papi a cubicle and a phone at her agency. But I think it was a bit of a stretch that Miss Ford will “take him under her wing” or whatever Miss Ford said regarding Papi shadowing her or her letting Papi spend part of her day with her. It’s because Papi has the worst grammar and swears a lot, both of which makes him sound so “street” and lower-class. Miss Ford and her agency, on the other hand, is very high class. So I just can’t see Miss Ford wanting Papi with her, representing her agency, in a position/job where he has to talk a lot. It’s o.k. for Angel because all she has to do is smile and look pretty. Maybe if Papi took some sort of English class, then I could see it happening. Or perhaps Elektra could help him talk correctly like she helped Pray Tell, Castle, etc. walk in high heels.

    Regarding next season, I love your idea of focusing on 14-year-olds like Chilly and Quincy! It reminds me of The Wire where they spent the first 3 seasons with the adults and the 4th season in junior high school, and the 4th season was considered their best season! So bring on the The House of Evangelista: The Next Generation!! And you know how there’s NCIS and NCIS: LA? How about Pose and Pose: London (i.e. Damon’s other house)? I’d watch that.

    Even though I did not comment on every review, I always read them, and I always really liked them! Your hard work is definitely appreciated!! Thank You!!

    1. I read all comments, it’s just sometimes I’m unsure what to say and then get caught up with something.

      When it comes to Papi and Ms. Ford, I think what has to be recognized is Ms. Ford is very progressive and not just in how some would say, “I have Black and trans friends” but she believes in empowering them. Plus, let’s not forget, Papi does know how to code switch and isn’t competing with Ms. Ford and working with her luxury clients. He is instead taking on things her agency passes on and is also doing some cold calling. Also, one of the major issues the community faced then, even now, is lack of mentorship. So Ms. Ford taking on Papi is not just about intrinsic motive but him also making money for her by spending time on companies she doesn’t want to allocate time to. Never mind, like Angel, he could craft a roster that, when the world becomes more accepting of trans people, she can pull from either by stealing his clients or sharing them. If not, if he stays under her umbrella, making it so her agency can say it has a long history of supporting the community and becomes the place for up and coming models of all kinds.

      Long story short: Ms. Ford is thinking long game and doing what most employers have long divested in doing – training and molding someone from the ground up.

      I LOVED THOSE SEASONS OF THE WIRE! And I think we’re just overdue, in terms of seeing young trans people. Not to disregard the importance of young adults, even older trans folks like Elektra, but to see teens, younger than Damon even, seems equally important, when it comes to representation.

      As for spin-offs? Honestly, I don’t think Damon’s actor is at that point yet where he can command his own show. Also, I don’t see Pose as the kind of show that, like NCIS, Black-ish, and others, can be the basis for a franchise. In my mind, it is the kind of show which goes on for 3 – 5 seasons, says what it needs to, and then needs to end. For while it could very well go into modern-day, I think Ryan Murphy has already said when AIDS medication, in the mid-90s, becomes widely accessible, that is when the show will be at its end. Which, with the time jumps they have, makes it so this likely is a 4 season show and that’s it.

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