Charles's burning boat, a pill Roy gives Rachel, meat from the deer Jonah killed and the dead deer Jonah killed.
Charles's burning boat, a pill Roy gives Rachel, meat from the deer Jonah killed and the dead deer Jonah killed.


  1. Why is your grammar so appalling? Do you actually bother to have anyone proofread? Not to mention typos.
    Your writing seriously reads like a 15 year old at best.

  2. I don’t think Cade is the one who had everything shut down. He isn’t that smart and doesn’t know about all the businesses. I think it was Petty– that is how he insures that Marty will need Rachel to come back. I think he said something about it to her when he was wiring her up. I am wondering if/how the little video made by Tuck (?) will surface.

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