Insatiable: Season 1/ Episode 4 “WMBS” – Recap/ Review (with Spoilers)
Insatiable continues to deliver mixed results as its form of comedy mixes with situations which could make this seem like a decent show. [adinserter name=”General Ads”] Network Netflix Director(s) Maggie Kiley Writer(s) Danielle Hoover, David Monahan Air Date 8/10/2018 Actors Introduced Etta Mae Carly Hughes The Unfortunate Circumstances of Life: Patty, Angie, Coralee, Etta Mae,…

- Plot and Dialog - /100
- Character Development and Performances - /100
- Visuals and Sound - /100
- Pacing - /100
- Value For Intended Audience - /100
User Review
( votes)Spoiler Alert: This summary and review contains spoilers.
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Insatiable continues to deliver mixed results as its form of comedy mixes with situations which could make this seem like a decent show.
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Network | ||
Netflix | ||
Director(s) | Maggie Kiley | |
Writer(s) | Danielle Hoover, David Monahan | |
Air Date | 8/10/2018 | |
Actors Introduced | ||
Etta Mae | Carly Hughes |
The Unfortunate Circumstances of Life: Patty, Angie, Coralee, Etta Mae, Magnolia, Bob A, Bob B, Nonnie
Getting to the nitty-gritty, it seems issues with mothers is fairly consistent on this show. Especially in terms of mothers who were absent or simply just not good at the job. For Nonnie, her mom died when she was 3, the year she met Patty; we’ve seen Patty’s relationship with her mom, that gets put on notice as she grows close to Corelee; and Magnolia begins to have issues with her mom, Etta Mae, since it seems Etta Mae may equally care about having a career as much as being a mother. Something that is a problem for the Junior League, Bob B, as well as Magnolia.
Mommy issues aren’t the only thing which seems consistent, however. Denying people of your past is also an issue. For if it isn’t Coralee trying to disassociate herself from being Angie’s neighbor back in the trailer park, it is Bob B being unashamed of dumping Bob A once they hit high school.

The reason for bundling up all these stories is because these are the many which, if Insatiable’s creator and writers really wanted to prove this wasn’t just using low-brow comedy, it could have. One of the more positive, if not understandable, themes of the show is finding someone or something to fill a void in your life. For Patty, it was Bob filling the void of never meeting her dad and this man doing all that a dad could, would, and should. That’s alongside Coralee, due to Bob’s manipulation, presenting herself as the kind of mom Patty wishes she had. One that was present, didn’t make her feel insecure, and encouraged her.
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Heck, it could also address friendship and develop Nonnie’s character a bit more and present that she, like Patty, fell in love with someone just because they showed up. Might have been completely selfish and didn’t say thank you that often, but they allowed them to be present and that was far more than anyone else was doing. Hell, even Magnolia’s situation. Diving deep into the idea of being proud your mom is a nationally recognized surgeon yet realizing she loves her job as much, if not more, than you.
As with most shows that, surface level, are kind of trash, it has shining moments you just wish it focused more on. Because the one thing necessary for good comedy is taking the darkness serious enough to figure out a way to laugh about it. With Insatiable, at this point, no one is laughing in spite of but more so laughing at or because of.
One Sweet Day: Regina, Dixie, Coralee, Bob A, Bob B, Patty, Etta Mae, Angie
With Etta Mae being kicked out of the Junior League, Coralee sucks up to her and comes up with an organization for working moms – WMBS. One which will have a pageant that will allow Patty to qualify for bigger and better pageants. Problem is, it is a mommy and me pageant and Angie is a mess. Even after her AA retreat she is drinking and having issues. So, Coralee is forced to pair with Patty and they hit it off with time. Mostly because Coralee pushes the idea Patty controls her narrative and sort of uses herself as an example of how things can get better.
As that happens, the Bobs sort of reconcile. Not to the point they are back to how they were in 8th grade and before, but with Bob B helping Bob A with the circulation of Regina and Brick messing around, their friendship is mending a little bit. However, that is only until Bob B makes sure to maintain being the Bob everyone refers to first.
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Let me guess, Bob B is so extra because he is insecure in some kind of way right? Because someone has the same first name and he didn’t like the idea of being called Bobby, Robert, or any other name associated with Bob. Leading you to wonder, was Bob B fat too as a kid? Is he supposed to represent the road Bob A could have gone down? Maybe the road Patty could of if her mom encouraged her when playing soccer vs. heckling and berating her?
Believe me when I say I’m trying hard to see some meaning in all of this. This includes trying to believe Angie’s alcoholism isn’t being used just for laughs. However, the optimism (excuses) wears down with each episode. Making it where, assuming I reach episode 12, I don’t know if I may find myself being able to try to excuse one thing because we see some attempt at heart somewhere else.
Social Climber: Patty, Coralee, Angie
Patty ends up winning the pageant and no sooner does she win, Angie, after hearing how terrible of a mom, and replaceable, she is, tries to make amends. Which, being that Patty doesn’t have many people in her life, of course she begins the process of forgiving her mom. In fact, when it comes to Coralee, because of all the time they spent together, she even decided that trying to ruin her marriage to Bob wasn’t worth it. Since, once you get to know her, she is quite nice.
Well, until she takes off her mask. For the truth is, her shame of where she comes from is more powerful than her humanity so as soon as the upper class welcomes her, she decides she can’t be associated with Patty and her mom. Leading to Patty revealing Bob A’s affair.

Was it so wrong to hope characters could grow, mature, and things could still be wacky and funny? Also, while you have to admire there isn’t the idea of once a cheater, always a cheater, I’m surprised that thought didn’t come across Patty’s mind. She sees how Coralee looks, as well as Stella. Clearly, for Bob, he doesn’t have a type. So, what would lead Patty to think she could nail him down? Never mind her still having this idea after he has rejected her sexually?
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Honestly, the central storyline is the worse of them all.
Other Noteworthy Facts & Moments
- Coralee and Bob A have biological children, two in fact. Brick, who we know, and a daughter who is in the military.
- Bob and Coralee have been married for 21 years and met during Bob’s law school graduation as Coralee was helping her dad make the lawn special.
- One of Coralee’s dad’s specialties was trimming hedges into different figures.
- Regina had beef with Bob A long before Dixie came around.
Question(s) Left Unanswered
- So, did Bob dump Regina for Coralee maybe? Maybe their parents paired them together and she was invested in the idea, then suddenly, and embarrassingly, found herself dumped?
- What does Nonnie sound like singing?
Collected Quote(s) & .Gifs
You can do anything you want to do, which also means not doing anything you don’t want to do.
— Etta Mae
- Etta Mae and Magnolia’s complicated relationship.
Low Points
- It being pushed how Dixie was found in a ditch in China. Also, her denying her heritage, outside of to win a pageant.
On The Fence
- So many ways this show could have heart and soul, before it takes a dump on the moment.
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- Plot and Dialog - /100
- Character Development and Performances - /100
- Visuals and Sound - /100
- Pacing - /100
- Value For Intended Audience - /100