1. One thing I didn’t understand about this episode is why the photos proved Ryan’s innocence? He could have taken them whilst raping her.

  2. She gave permission for him to have them for his own PERSONAL use, after he says he won’t show anyone. In actuality, he has ALREADY sent the photos to his friends. She throws his phone out the window so he took and SHARED the photos without consent. I would agree that you largely missed the point here.

    1. Noted. I think the rape accusation created a bit of a blind spot for me. Making what happened before a lesson to pay attention to and hopefully not get lost in the shuffle of future viewers.

  3. I would disagree on missing the whole point. The concept of consent isn’t lost on me when it comes to Arabella and also Kwame, for that’s cut and dry. What complicated things for me was, between Theo and Ryan, he didn’t have consent to take the pictures, was called out for trying to build an archive, and then got consent by paying Theo. Now, I get what you mean by coercion, since she liked Ryan, and seemingly the goal was to please him. However, with accepting the money, so comes the question of was that her giving consent? Note, I’m not sure it is said whether either are the age of consent in the UK, never mind the child pornography issue. Both of which are not made into bigger deals despite the role they also play.

    Then, in terms of her getting in trouble and him not, with the pictures exonerating him, I think that is also a murky area. The focus is so much on the false allegation and him being absolved, we’re not told what could of happened to him. Our focus is more so on the lie told. So whether he got suspended, his mom was called, or whether anything was done about possibly having child pornography, that isn’t dug into. We’re just left with a situation that isn’t as straightforward that calls for conversation since it is a layered scenario. One in which, similar to Terry, it could get people talking, even without all the facts, and making judgements strictly based on what they know and feel. Be it due to personal experience, what they have read, or purely based on what was presented in the show.

    But I do thank you for the perspective. I think the fact Ryan is a Black kid, and Theo white, and then the allegation, it became such a huge thing to me that it led me to not take note of him taking pictures without her consent.

  4. “Then, in her teen years, she lied about a young Black boy, Ryan, assaulting her, since he rejected her. That is, alongside making her feel cheap and used since he’d rather pay to be with her than claim her openly or publicly”

    You’ve completely missed the point of the episode and by the sound of it the whole show. This show is an examination of consent. Ryan takes photos of Theo WITHOUT CONSENT, then coerces her into taking more photos. Theo lies about being rape, but it’s the photos he takes and shares without her consent that exonerates him. Theo faces consequences for lying about Ryan, but he faces no consequences for taking and sharing the photographs.

    Ryan’s rejection and Theo feeling cheap and hurt that he won’t publicly acknowledge their relationship is only a small part of what is going on.

    Learn some gender politics

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