1. Man so Rochelle is Skanky’s sister!?!?!?!? I REALLY did not see that coming lol Also Tasha and Rochelle, knowing each other and working together makes sense also. Man what are they planning on doing to he Greenleaf family!?!?!?!?!?

    1. Ruining their reputation. Showing them for liars, cheats, and more. I’m just trying to figure out where the line is. Assuming there is one.

    2. I honestly think Basie could have been a female. I think it’s key that Bishop kept mentioning that he only recalled his father having 2 girls. Which is probably why he went so hard on the church being inclusive before leaving.

  2. I agree. The only difference is that Sophia isn’t going to runaway. I like that Faith was brought up again and we found out that she was also involved in abusive relationships. The self destruction was real. Just like with Grace trying to help Faith, we may see Sophia stepping up and trying to help Zora. I just would like to see how J and K are going to handle this situation, and to see if they are finally able to come together has parents, and not just as husband and wife. All of the games, cheating, lying, and pride NEEDS to fall to the wayside so that they two of them can get their daughter back and bring her out of this self destruction state that she is in. (Sorry for the late reply)

    1. I don’t know why, but I can fully imagine this maybe driving them apart more than together. Especially after Zora’s comment that got her smacked, I think Kerissa may switch from what they did wrong as parents to talking about how what Jacob did to her set the tone for what Zora accepts in her life.

      Though, we could also add in depression among other things. Mental illness clearly is in the family gene pool. So between Zora self medicating and this situation, you think maybe that’s a factor?

      1. Yes, I do see mental illness playing a part with Zora. It all is just a continuing cycle when it comes to the Greenleaf women. And here you were worried that they weren’t going to have anything for season 3 lol

        How do you feel about the Bishop and everything that he has going on? He better NOT do what I think that he is about to do!

        1. Honestly, I think with Grace not running after him, Jacob long being pushed away, and Charity on the road, he realized he didn’t have anyone. There was no one to take his side, hear him out, so he went to Rochelle.

          I don’t expect him to sleep with her but definitely treat her like a confidant. In fact, I firmly believe between Jacob and James, their humanity may lead to the ladies of Skanks giving the Greenleafs another look.

          1. True. That makes sense. I like the little scene they gave Charity, and her telling J about her scar. Like she has been with the same man for the last 10 or so years, now she is giving herself to another man, in reality a woman would feel insecure and worried about what a man would think if he saw her scar, and I LOVE how J responded to her! It was so SMOOTH! lol He definitely won charity over in that moment.

            1. I’m still trying to warm up to Charity. I mean, I don’t dislike her but she doesn’t inspire feelings of wonder what will happen next in her story. She is just kind of there…

  3. Greenleaf was INSANE! They DID that! ?? I have to say also, that this may be your best written review of a Greenleaf episode EVER! Like everything you wrote I agreed with, and I could feel the excitement that you have while reading your review as well! Season 3 is going to be INSANE!

    1. Oh the spring can not come soon enough! Assuming it premiere the same time as this year. But I do wonder what comes between the gap of Queen Sugar ending and Greenleaf?

      1. Idk, but I definitely have PLENTY of shows that I can binge watch as we wait, for GL and QS to come back, no doubt lol This family is a HOT mess! Nobody is perfect, everyone has their faults, and their demons.

        Even though Kerissa has worked my nerves these past two seasons, I really felt for her and Jacob towards the end of the episode. They JUST now realize that their daughter is in an abusive relationship, their eyes are finally opened to the fact they didn’t do what they were supposed to do as parents, (There minds being on other things, (money,status, first lady etc) and now they discover that Zora had run away, (or like you said possibly kidnapped) I mean shit, I got a little teary eyed, I couldn’t imagine what they must have been going through. The actress who plays Kerissa I think acted that seen nicely as well. You saw all of the concern and fear on her face.The fact that something could happen to Zora, and Kerissa and Jacob know that they as parents, they more or less failed Zora, the guilt and regret is going way on them heavily.

        1. But I also like the fact Jacob mentioned Faith having the same problem. It makes it almost seem like, for a lack of a better term, a family curse. Because abuse seems to hit every generation of Greenleaf women no matter what precautions and how well they are raised.

          I guess the idea here is how, not to say universal, but how much parents really can do their best yet find themselves with a child on the receiving end of one of their worse fears. This is no matter the socio-economic status or what have you.

          But, I just hope that she isn’t dumb enough to marry the boy. Also, I badly need us to meet Isiah’s parents and Kerissa’s mom. I need to see what stock those two come from.

          1. I agree, kind of like with our second favorite sister show QS, with Darla. Abuse is abuse, and addiction is addiction. Those things don’t see race, class, or economic background. We have seen Zora’s troubles dating back to the first season, hell in the first episode she was snorting pills, and even had Sophia try it. She was skipping out on the youth lock in, all of that. So, for the people who have been paying attention, this isn’t a new thing for Zora, or just senseless, useless writing that the writers decided to throw out there all of sudden. There have been signs since the BEGINNING. I think Zora is the story that we hear about all the time. Despite growing in a two parent household, parents have jobs that allow for them to live a certain lifestyle, the supervision, and the discipline of the kids in turn is less and less. There are so many ways that this situation can turn out to be, I just hope that it does not come to Zora getting killed.

            1. You know, considering she is going down a similar path like Faith’s, it could be a possibility. For I see the Zora and Sophia dynamic to perhaps be like Faith and Grace. What you think?

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