1. I have been watching the whole series but there was one thing in this episode that I can’t figure out. How did Javier know the text “mixed greens salad” was a cry for help?

    1. The only thing I can think of is when they were in the diner the one day and he was eating the salad and she was eating a burger. He knew she was hungry in the episode so therefore she wouldn’t have told him to bring her back a salad.

  2. I’ve been watching this whole series but there was one thing in this episode that I couldn’t figure out. How did Javier know that the text “mixed greens salad” was a cry for help?

    1. Well, I took it as it being a cry for help because Letty has never been a salad kind of girl. Usually, what she has always asked for is a burger. So her switching up to a mixed green salad is very out of character and probably raised a red flag.

    2. Already good reply by Amari. Want to add that Letty just isn’t a person that lives healthy which, drug habits aside, also includes the food she eats – Which Javier witnessed quite a few times by now 🙂

      I didn’t go through all episodes to search for examples (and hope I’m allowed to post links in here) – But below I already found two from season one’s 2nd and 3rd episode. Both show how it makes sense that Javier knows Letty asking for a green salad is fishy (no pun intended 😉 ):

      (From Season 1, Episode 3, Starting at 1:45 – Javier eating a – you guessed it – salad – and Letty shoves down a Cheeseburger)

      (From Season 1, Episode 2, just pause at the very beginning to take a look at Letty’s breakfast 🙂 )

      Also not to forget that he already was nervous/suspicious due to Teo being 20-30 minutes late despite Javier having Teo’s cocaine which was probably worth quite a bit of money.

  3. P. S.: Regarding your comment about drugs/drug addicts. Letty had one relapse (granted for a few days). It’s like with an alcoholic. That can lead back on the road to addiction (especially with crystal meth, crack, opiods OR Alcohol) but you don’t get addicted right away again. She wouldn’t have any withdrawal symptoms or something (besides, the drugs of her choice the last episodes are mostly “only” mentally addictive) but just fell off the wagon once.

    With Javier being kind of her substitution for drugs (most of the time at least) and leaving him (and Jacob) being the reasons she got on this bender anyway I’d suppose she’d be back in the sober zone without much of a fuzz (if she, which seems unlikely atm, doesn’t continue using of course, especially Crystal Meth).

    1. Thanks for the info. For a lot of shows, right after a bender, all we see is them go straight down the rabbit hole and have to go to rehab. So Letty just having a relapse and then not going through the usual withdrawal symptoms and all that left me a bit confused.

      1. GB actually (for once) depicted this more realistically than those shows. There’s just so much misinformation out there when it comes to illegal drugs/drug use, like somebody getting addicted the first time he tries something. There is no such thing, the body has to build a dependency over time. Of course, with some drugs it goes faster than with others. It takes a bit longer to become an alcoholic with bodily withdrawal symptoms than with opiods for example.

        And it’s another myth that one relapse gets you down the rabbit hole again. It often opens the door to it (same with “only one cigarette again” smokers, “one – just an exception – drink” alcoholics etc) but not necessarily so.

  4. Hi Amari, as mentioned the title says season 1 episode 9 instead of season 2 and in the second paragraph it’s muddy shows instead of muddy shoes (I’m a bit of a stickler Meeseeks 😉 ) – I’m not the grammar police but in your shoes I’d like to know 🙂

    Anyway, great review. For a while I honestly thought that the show maybe, just maybe, could pull a Homeland on us (where the big love interest and other main actor next to Claire Danes got killed off in a huge surprise move at the end of season 3) – But that feeling was gone quickly, at the latest when Letty of course was Ms. Cool as soon as Teo showed up in her/(Javier’s) new house.

    Having all the silver-tongue fakeouts which plagued much of the show so far in mind I’d honestly had been surprised if the show would’ve pulled such a gutsy move (and no idea if it would’ve been a good idea anyway as I find Javier’s scenes mostly more enjoyable lately than Letty’s on/off the wagon show).

    It rather seems – and I thought the same as soon as Ava talked about moving there with her kids – that your Argentina idea could come to fruition. As we discussed last week, I also saw a lot of sense in that. Nothing is holding her in the States, last week I was only thinking about her not having any relationships holding her here (the Jacob experiment is obviously done) but now with having the alarm system guy shot this could be her only option. As you point out, there are witnesses, the company of the guy knew for sure where he had his next appointment etc.

    It’s either fleeing or jail, I don’t see any other options at least if the show is still trying to reflect the real world – But as far as I know the show by now, of course they could come up with some miracudiculous solution by blaming the murder on Teo.

    There were some situations (we already discussed) where Letty’s silver tongue or Javier getting away with a murder turned into a real unrealistic joke but I swear by all that is holy, if there are no consequences for this killing like with a mentioned Teo fake out, or Letty being able to talk her way out of this again, I’d have to call quits on the show.

    As I said last week, there’s only so far I can suspend disbelief. Besides, I like the Argentina idea, so I guess it’s wait and see (discounting we don’t even know if there’s a third season yet).

    1. Thanks for the correction.

      Honestly, fleeing is the only option. Letty has shown herself incapable of adhering to normalcy and the whole situation screws both her and Javier over. For one, the house is in Letty’s name, but also Javier is the one who called the security company and likely paid for everything ahead of time. Plus, once Lashever catches wind, that naturally pushes her to have to act. Meaning, either they leave the country, on the run, or else we’re right back to that cat and mouse game with Lashever and Letty having to use that silver tongue to get out of this.

      Yet, as an alternative, they could just head to Argentina. With that, the show can shift more focus to Javier. We can meet what remains of his family, learn more about his past growing up, maybe Teo’s as well, and it could be a new lease on the show’s life. Yeah, Letty will have to brush up on her Spanish and adapt to the culture, but with how stale things have gotten, the shake-up is just what she needs. Being uncomfortable, and out of her element, means the character will actually get challenged and what she could get away with in the Carolinas will be no more. Thus forcing her to switch things up. Especially as she deals with the men and women Javier’s father worked with or were neighbors to.

      1. Oh right. I forgot about Lashever (which is really surprising considering her personality 😉 ). If we’re unlucky Letty silver tonguely blackmails Lashever with the 500k heist they did for her and she gets released that way or something in that vein (after all, blaming the shooting Teo or something self defense would be really hard to pull off and isn’t Javier on a wanted list anyway?).

        I really have my fingers crossed for Argentina. That would shake up the whole show and as you mentioned opens the door for a whole new bunch of storylines. Let’s hope the writers take that road.

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