1. Hi Amari:

    Another excellent recap/review on the latest “Good Behavior” episode, which was much better than the previous one.

    Yeah, Letty seemingly needs Javier more than he needs her, but she also brings the good out of him (how well he’s been to Jacob, like the father he never had, protecting her & her family, even taking a chance by introducing her to his family). I like Javier best when he is doing good, even when it means he’s offing a bad person. I think he truly loves her (have we even seen another woman with Javier?) but has such a strong sense of triage that he knows his sister and her family need him most now so that’s what he’s focusing on and will get back to Letty & Jacob when he can. And the show is meaningless without either of them as they are the main attraction: they will be reunited as well with Jacob.

    We just have to have faith.

    Look forward to next episode as well your review.

    Please keep up the good work.

    Best: Nicholas Thimmesch

  2. One of the best episodes this season. No nonsense BS like in plenty of other season 2 episodes where the main characters never get any consequences for their (criminal) behavior despite acting stupid as hell, like:

    Letty (and Javier) getting arrested but talking herself out of it by proposing a half-baked scheme to her captor (which ended in an FBI agent (!) releasing not only her, but also a serial killer … Sure)
    Robbing hotel rooms with the help of Rob who asked the victims for their room numbers and they still stayed in the same hotel afterwards – Like there wouldn’t be any investigation as soon as the thefts got discovered …
    Or Javier, a then wanted man, doing a hit while plenty of people – two of them knowing where he lived at the moment – are in the vicinity camping etc

    But even if it was an intriguing episode this time around, all in all, I don’t think that there will be a third season. The ratings are bad and I don’t think they’ll get any better. Alas, the aforementioned BS will return.

    The show really started with an interesting premise but it failed miserably to depict a realistic life for the two main characters, rather turning them into half gods who – no matter how idiotic they act – always get a Deus Ex Machina.

  3. One of the best episodes this season. No nonsense BS like in plenty of other season 2 episodes where the main characters never get any consequences for their (criminal) behavior despite acting stupid as hell, like:

    Letty (and Javier) getting arrested but talking herself out of it by proposing a half-baked scheme to her captor (which ended in an FBI agent (!) releasing not only her, but also a serial killer … Sure)
    Robbing hotel rooms with the help of Rob who asked the victims for their room numbers and they still stayed in the same hotel afterwards – Like there wouldn’t be any investigation as soon as the thefts got discovered …
    Or Javier, a then wanted man, doing a hit while plenty of people – two of them knowing where he lived at the moment – are in the vicinity camping etc

    But even if it was an intriguing episode this time around, all in all, I don’t think that there will be a third season. The ratings are bad and I don’t think they’ll get any better. Alas, the aforementioned BS will return.

    The show really started with an interesting premise but it failed miserably to depict a realistic life for the two main characters, rather turning them into half gods who – no matter how idiotic they act – always get a Deus Ex Machina.

    1. I agree. While I love the show, it would have been better as a mini-series than a full-fledged one. Granted, it doesn’t have a network TV size season order of 20+ episodes, but it is pretty much gone downhill since Lashever caught Javier then got convinced to let him go. Not that it didn’t have its moments, I will remember Rose’s speech for quite some time, but at this point I’m just hoping the season will rebound with a smooth finish.

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