Michael (Charlie Benger) checking on Matthew.
Michael (Charlie Benger)


  1. Amari, just so you know… that scene in which a boy tries on a dress for laughs isn’t something made up for the series in order to be PC. There is actually an equivalent scene in the original books.

    I did think that the series handled the introduction of a black character without being too heavy handed about it. I’m no expert on Canadian geography or history, but I didn’t find it hard to believe a small rural town, relatively isolated, wouldn’t have seen all that many people of colour. At least they are acknowledging the social divisions and awkward realities exist (which I think is the way to do diversity right), rather than ignoring them altogether (which would be doing it wrong).

    As for the bully… it has already been established he’s a bit of an attention-whore, so I’m sure that factored into his motivation quite a bit.

    What was said in the comments above about white Australian treatment of Aboriginal people is also sadly true. The settlement of my country resulted in much mistreatment of the indigenous population, that I suppose is in some ways comparable to what happened in America between whites and native tribes. The incidents alluded to by Vaudree were also the subject of a visually stunning but emotionally devastating (and controversial due to conflicting opinions of its historical accuracy) movie called “Rabbit Proof Fence”, directed by Philip Noyce (“The Quiet American”, “Catch A Fire”, “Dead Calm”, “Clear & Present Danger”)

  2. Thanks for your recaps! I was following along over the weekend as I was binging the series myself. Your commentary is insightful and made me feel like I was watching the show with a friend!

    Side note: Did anyone else catch Jerry spelled Anne with NO E on the card?? I’m 95% sure but then again I was 3 glasses of wine in when I watched that part.

  3. Thanks for your summaries – it allows me to find out a bit of what happens before September.

    During that time period, First Nations peoples placed on reserves where they had to get permission to leave even for a few hours and their children were sent to residential schools where the purpose was to “kill the indian in the child”. Check these songs on youtube to explain it better than me:

    Four Horses – Charlie Angus
    Of One Almighty Nation – Gertrudes

    For the Australian version of what happened here there is
    Took the Children Away – Archie Roach

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