Sword Art Online (Alternative Gun Gale Online): Episode 5 “Leave The Last Battle To Me” – Recap/ Review (with Spoilers)
There might actually be something that could make this spin-off interesting. However, how much longer can we get strung along? Network Crunchyroll Director(s) Masayuki Smkoi Writer(s) Keiichi Sigsawa, Dengeki Bunko Air Date 5/5/2018 Pito Isn’t Who You Think She Is: M, Karen For the first time since the premiere, something interesting is presented. This idea…

User Review
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There might actually be something that could make this spin-off interesting. However, how much longer can we get strung along?
Network | |
Crunchyroll | |
Director(s) | Masayuki Smkoi |
Writer(s) | Keiichi Sigsawa, Dengeki Bunko |
Air Date | 5/5/2018 |
Pito Isn’t Who You Think She Is: M, Karen
For the first time since the premiere, something interesting is presented. This idea that Pito, who did come off eccentric in [tooltips keyword=’episode 3′ content = ‘It seems this will be the last episode covering what happened before the events of the first one – thank god. | Click here‘] may actually be psychotic. For with M talking about her killing him if he died, so brings a bit of intrigue. However, whether or not Pito meant actually killing him or not is up for debate, thus putting a pause on the intrigue.
I feel teased in such a terrible way. The lack of perma-death has been lacking, as has been anything to really push any real need to continue. In fact, I was tempted to drop this before watching it and now, I feel like I’m being strung along in hopes that maybe Pito is as crazy as M said she was. It would be a welcome change from people who may have interesting avatar personalities but, with us seeing Karen is faking it, you knowing the real world personas of most of these people likely being fake as well.
The Final Battle: Karen, M
With M freaking out, and seeming like he wants to surrender, Karen decides to fight the final battle by herself and, after a few mistakes, she starts to get the hang of things. However, the team, are aces. Making it so Llenn has to use her wits, as well as some of what M exhibited to survive.
But, a one on 5 match isn’t easy and if it wasn’t for M, in the last minute, deciding to join, Karen – Llenn, would have likely died. Though, because she didn’t, she and M win Squad Jam.
*Blinks* okay. There is just something about the tone of the show which doesn’t make the gunfights that interesting. I mean, do I root for Llenn? Yeah. However, that’s because she is the lead and, after 5 episodes, I’m used to her. It isn’t because she is the most exciting and engaging character. Heck, even taking note of M abandoning her to fight on her own, that didn’t make her bad ass.
I’ll admit, her battle against the other team’s boss did have an epic vibe. A bit of a blip on a rather uneventful radar. But not enough to really push the idea that, almost halfway through the season, things are picking up.
Real World Connections: Karen

Okay, something about this timeline seems a little off. Wasn’t Karen, in an earlier episode, hanging with these girls, who end up being the team she fought in GGO while doing Squad Jam? Maybe I’m off or confused, and in need of revisiting past episodes, but regardless, it seems those girls, seeing Karen in real life, are enamored by her model stature and are in awe. Plus, they’re in middle school and this university student is willing to talk to them and play games with them. I mean, how cool is that right?
This placeholder season I seriously question the need of. I think I got one more episode in me and, unless Pito is crazy or something else pops up, I got to drop this for the sake of my sanity. And considering Pito said she’d meet Karen in real life if she won, there is the hope for a better tomorrow.
On The Fence
- Pito being the last hope of this show being interesting.
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Previous Episode’s Recap
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I’m really glad at this point that I dropped this series. At four episodes I still didn’t care about the game or the characters and there was no plot specifically developing that I was interested in. While I’m kind of curious about Pito, I’m not curious enough at this point to sit through more episodes, though I’ll keep following reviews of the show to see if it ends up doing something that makes me want to binge the episodes.