1. Only low IQ morons can’t get into a show like this. Some kids builds mechs. That’s the draw, and everyone ignoring that is missing the point.

  2. You got this out fast. I’m going to be honest and admit I just skimmed this given I won’t get to watch the episode until I get home from work this evening. I’ll come back and give this a better read then.

    1. Because so little is happening with these Sunday animes. Though, it could just be the spring was so good that the summer shows, in comparison, just seem drab, shallow, or like poor imitations.

      1. I have to agree that I’m just not finding a lot to love this season. Princess Principal and My Hero Academia are about the only two I would really recommend out of the line up. There’s other shows I am enjoying, more for the they aren’t as bad as expected quality, but there’s little else that I’ll remember after the season ends.
        Of course, a lot of the shows I had thought about watching just aren’t available so maybe this anime season is awesome but just not accessible.

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