1. I’m going to be honest, I dropped this series mid-way during this episode. Something just clicked in my brain and I realised I just did not care. I think it was the introduction of yet another girl that may or may not end up having a crush on Yuu (which given his character hasn’t really done anything of note seems really lame). Anyway, I realised I was starting to plan other things in my head rather than pay attention to the episode and made the call to drop.

    1. I’m strangely not tempted to drop this, but only because my self-imposed work load hasn’t reached that point I need to drop series yet.

      However, if this was a normal show with 24 episodes and likely multiple seasons, I’d be tempted to tap out and move on.

        1. You could always do some throwback anime. Maybe even cover more Manga. Such as, perhaps weekly, creating a pitch for a Manga you would like to see adapted.

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