Angels of Death: Season 1/ Episode 7 “Who Are You?” – Recap/ Review (with Spoilers)
A new floor, a new person to worry about and they happen to be a priest. Yet, this floor judge seems vastly different than the rest. Which might not be good for Rachel. [adinserter name=”General Ads”] Network Crunchyroll Director(s) Kentarou Suzuki Writer(s) Yoshinobu Fujioka Air Date 8/17/2018 Actors Introduced Gray Ootsuka Houchuu Anything To Save…

User Review
( votes)Spoiler Alert: This summary and review contains spoilers.
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A new floor, a new person to worry about and they happen to be a priest. Yet, this floor judge seems vastly different than the rest. Which might not be good for Rachel.
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Network | ||
Crunchyroll | ||
Director(s) | Kentarou Suzuki | |
Writer(s) | Yoshinobu Fujioka | |
Air Date | 8/17/2018 | |
Actors Introduced | ||
Gray | Ootsuka Houchuu |
Anything To Save Zack: Gray, Zack, Rachel
Each floor has a theme and this one is of a church. One in which Rachel, after dragging Zack out of the elevator, is expected to confess her sins, say who she is, and deal with an almost Alice in Wonderland level of trippiness. Not even to escape, mind you, but just find medical supplies. Something which the floor judge, Gray, seems fine helping with. Not on his floor, because he doesn’t have need for such things, but on Danny’s floor, the doctor’s which follows Zack, he knows there is medicine there.
Leading to the natural question of: How do we get there? Of which Gray has a way. The one thing is that Rachel has to do a test on each floor. Which, on Cathy’s, is dealing with her prisoners who seemingly are no longer trapped in their cells. Thus leading Rachel to shoot them with her gun and, eventually, use those mounted guns. Leaving you to wonder, how will the priest feel about these murders?
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How bad is it for Rachel to kill all these people? Especially with the type of guns which will rip their bodies to shreds? For the main thing Rachel had going for her, thus far, was some kind of innocence. With killing Cathy, or being part of her murder at least, combined with massacring all these prisoners, how will Gray take that? Unlike the rest, it doesn’t seem he is into snap judgments or might consider all who reach his floor guilty just by being put through these trials.
But, as questioned in a previous episode, there is a need to ask how many have really gotten this far? On top of that, Gray implies that now there might be people wandering about these floors. Does that mean, despite the judges being killed, people are still being poured in? Of course, Cathy’s floor is an exception, because she gave people the option to be prisoners forever, but what about the other floors? This development, and change in judge, I won’t say revitalizes the series, nor us seeing what could be Rachel’s parents in a hallucination, but it does take it a positive step forward by going backwards.
1. Gray Breaking Up One Mad Person After Another
On The Fence
1. While The Episode Hints To Learning More About Rachel’s Past, It Side Steps Really Giving Us Something
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So would you say this has gotten better or worse over the last few episodes?
I absolutely hated Cathy’s arc but I feel that, with Gray not being some homicidal maniac, currently, he brings something fresh to the show. So it could get better, but I don’t think it has reached a point where, if you dropped this, I could convince you it is worth picking back up.