1. I enjoyed the first episode but your criticisms above are valid and I was waiting until the second episode to make my mind up about this (though I’ll probably finish it anyway given it’s only 8 episodes). Unfortunately a storm took down my internet ten minutes in to episode 2 and Netflix didn’t like that very much so now (due to other things I need to watch for my blog) it will probably be about a week before I get back to this.
    Looking forward to your thoughts on the rest of it.

      1. As I said I enjoyed it. I did read the books and I definitely found this adaptation to be more faithful to the tone and language of the books (though whether that is a good thing to essentially have an audio book with images is still something I’m trying to decide). The acting and performances are all a little hit and miss which is probably my biggest issue (other than the musical number in the middle of episode 1 which we all could have done without). Still, I think it has potential and I am looking forward to finally seeing the next episode.

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