One Comment

  1. You are right that this show makes Zoey’s happiness contingent on her dating either Simon or Max. Why? I think it goes back to my theory that this show is a musical, romantic, maybe not comedy, but romantic show. Thus, everyone needs to be paired up, including Zoey. And you are right that Simon is not in the space to be anyone’s anything (well put!), but I liked Max’s grand gestures so I’m on board. But this being Season 1 of hopefully many seasons, I know I have a long wait for them to get together.

    Ava is being played by Renee Elise Goldsberry?! I did not recognize her. They better let her sing in the next episode!

    I liked Howie’s backstory. I’m glad he’s part of the core group.

    Remember how awkward is was when Carly went to Morgan for advice on The Good Doctor because the writers didn’t want to show any of Carly’s friends? Multiply that by 1 million and you have the awkwardness of the scenes of Emily talking about sex with her mother-in-law! Ew!! No woman talks about sex with the mother of her husband! Ew!! Give this girl just one friend! Please!!

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