1. Do you mean, for example, when Max was singing “Sucker” to her in the middle of the staff meeting, did the rest of the staff hear what Zoey was saying to Max and see Zoey move around Max while he was singing? I don’t think so, because when Max stopped singing and sat down, everyone else was just sitting there like nothing had happened. But then when Autumn and others were singing in the coffee shop, Mo could hear everything Zoey was saying directly to her. So this means Mo has special powers, or Zoey has to be talking directly to the person IF they are not singing to her, or there is no rhyme or reason to this and we just go along with whatever the writers decide in that particular episode (or until they work out all the kinks). Right now, the show is still new enough for me that I’m still having enough fun so the inconsistencies aren’t bothering me yet.

    1. I don’t think it is a big deal just yet, but I do wonder if they are going to flesh out how Zoey’s powers work or continue to pursue it as a just is thing which is necessary for a plot device…

      1. I don’t think HOW (sorry about the all caps, but I don’t know how to do Italics in here) Zoey’s powers work are a focus for Zoey and thus for the show. Zoey figured out that her powers are mainly to show her who she should help (as you put it, “a thing necessary for a plot device”). So I don’t think she’s going to dig deeper into how they work. I also think her powers (i.e. the songs) are to differentiate this show from “Touched by an Angel” or any other show where the main character helps someone new each week. And her powers (the songs) make this show different then almost all of the other shows on tv, so I see it as much, much more then just something necessary for a plot device, which I guess is why I’m not as interested in how they work.

  2. Starting with “On the Fence”, I don’t know Zoey’s brother’s name either. I remembered he was her brother, but I was thinking to myself, ‘Who the heck is this pregnant woman complaining about Pop Tarts?’ I’m going to go with she was just introduced, and maybe there was a scene cut from episode 1 or 2 because that was the worst character introduction ever!

    Regarding Team Simon or Team Max, I had never thought of your analysis of Zoey being just friends with both of them, but it is so much better then the whole annoying, over-used “will-they-or-won’t-they” trope. And all of your reasons why it is good that Zoey and Simon and Zoey and Max are just friends are very good reasons, and I will enjoy the platonic friendships as long as the show keeps them like that.

    This wasn’t in your recap, but I just wanted to add how much I like the focus of the main musical number Zoey hears – that it means Zoey has to help that person as it relates to the song. Some of the songs can be just for random fun (like “Jesus Christ Superstar” for Charlie, which made me literally LOL), but it’s good that the show has a purpose and a direction.

    1. I enjoy the musical element as well, even the strange one, which might have been the last episode (each episode blends into just being part of the show after a while) when a piano suddenly fell on her. Though, I gotta admit, I’m still questioning how it all works.

      Even setting aside her seeing the number, I wonder when she talks or moves around, do people, outside of her tapping into people’s heads, see and hear that? Like when she was talking and moving around Max before?

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