Yellowjackets: Season 2 Episode 3 “Digestif” – The Episode When Taissa’s Sleepwalking Persona Speaks | Recap

Sleepwalking Taissa (Tawny Cypress) doing the occult symbol with her hands

While no one wants to talk about Jackie, things are revealed regarding Taissa’s alter-ego, Shauna reminds Jeff how she survived in the wilderness, and Lottie shows she could be the real deal.

While no one wants to talk about Jackie, things are revealed regarding Taissa’s alter-ego, Shauna reminds Jeff how she survived in the wilderness, and Lottie shows she could be the real deal.

Aired (Showtime) April 7, 2023
Director(s) Jeff W. Byrd
Writer(s) Sarah L. Thompson, Ameni Rozsa
Newly Noted Characters
Paul François Arnaud
Lisa Nicole Maines
Previously Noted Characters
Teen Taissa Jasmin Savoy Brown
Adult Taissa Tawny Cypress
Teen Misty Samantha Hanratty
Crystal Nuha Jes Izman
Ben Steven Krueger
Teen Lottie Courtney Eaton
Adult Lottie Simone Kessell
Teen Shauna Sophie Nélisse
Adult Shauna Melanie Lynskey
Teen Natalie Sophie Thatcher
Adult Natalie Juliette Lewis
Van Liv Hewson
Adult Misty Christina Ricci
Jeff Warren Kole
Akilah Nia Sondaya
Kevyn Alex Wyndham
Callie Sarah Desjardins
Walter Elijah Wood
Randy Jeff Holman


This content contains pertinent spoilers.

There Are Just Somethings You Don’t Know Or Don’t Talk About – Teen Taissa, Adult Taissa, Misty, Crystal, Paul, Ben, Lottie, Shauna, Natalie, Van

Eating Jackie? That’s not a topic anyone really wants to approach. Crystal does while talking to Misty about Shauna’s baby shower. She relates it to absorbing her twin in the womb, showing she is a similar weird to Misty, and it’s sad they aren’t friends as adults. But, while they are the only ones really talking about it, Ben does think to himself how bad this decision was.

Paul (Francois Arnaud)
“Paul (Francois Arnaud),” Yellowjackets, “Digestif,” directed by Jeff W. Byrd, 2023, (Showtime)

Not the girls eating Jackie, but him going on this trip with them rather than quitting and staying with his boyfriend, Paul. He could have enjoyed his man in their apartment but instead joined these girls who were already a lot, one cut off his leg, and now they are eating people and hallucinating! Never mind, with Taissa eating a person, it seems to have only amplified her issues since the sleepwalking version of her is now willing to talk to Van! It doesn’t give much in the way of information, but it is clear that being is very much part of Taissa, even when she is an adult, and it seems that symbol might be part of calling that being and even getting it to do things.

Leading us to Lottie. Both in modern times and back in the day, Natalie had no love for Lottie, and as her social currency increased, Natalie’s hatred for her grew. She wasn’t alone in side-eyeing her, though. During Shauna’s baby shower, Lottie gives Shauna a blanket with the infamous symbol, Shauna gets a nosebleed, and next thing you know, dozens of dead birds appear, as if, as soon as they got close to the cabin, they were struck by a God. Natalie and Taissa aren’t too sure about these birds, but Lottie says it is okay, makes it seem like they are a gift, and so Van and others begin collecting the birds and putting them at Lottie’s feet – to the dismay of those who aren’t part of Lottie’s flock.

Something There Unexpectedly – Walter, Randy, Misty, Natalie, Lisa, Lottie

Walter delivers with the chance to interview someone who may know what happened to Natalie, but with it being Randy, Misty freaks out since she has known him for most of her life. So, she has questions fed to Walter by Bluetooth, and while he originally isn’t sure about this method, as he gets into it, there is a chance Misty starts to get into him. Their potential relationship aside, they learn about the “Purple People,” and by tracking a credit card payment, Walter traces them back to Cherry Corners, NY, and offers a road trip up there.

Lisa (Nicole Maines)
“Lisa (Nicole Maines),” Yellowjackets, “Digestif,” directed by Jeff W. Byrd, 2023, (Showtime)

Switching over to Lottie’s camp, Natalie is still against her ways and process, but Lottie continually tries to show she is legit and not full of s***. She shows their bee community, an example of the healing process, and even has Lisa, who Natalie stabbed, have a safe space confrontation with Natalie. Even gives her a weapon to get revenge since Lisa had an issue with people just letting people walk all over her. But, rather than attempt to stab Natalie, she hugs and forgives her, and Lottie’s cult weirds Natalie out almost as much as they did back in the 90s.

Though what is truly weird is the death of all the bees Lottie showed Natalie and the honeycombs looking like they are filled with blood.

Who’s Really The Boring One Here? – Shauna, Jeff, Kevyn, Callie

Jeff and Shauna worry they are boring. That becoming middle-aged, and playing it safe, is part of what triggered Shauna’s affair, but Shauna makes it clear it wasn’t because of Jeff. However, that doesn’t seem true. Case in point, Shauna and Jeff get carjacked because Jeff would rather a man take their mini-van than allow Shauna, who gets the man’s gun, to handle the situation.

Shauna (Melanie Lynskey) explaining what it is like to look at someone who knows they are going to die
“Shauna (Melanie Lynskey) explaining what it is like to look at someone who knows they are going to die,” Yellowjackets, “Digestif,” directed by Jeff W. Byrd, 2023, (Showtime)

Now, with said gun, Shauna gets it back, to Jeff’s surprise, but it wasn’t just about the disrespect or indignity of getting robbed, but also Callie’s stuffed toy was in that mini-van. So, beyond getting to be a badass, Shauna wanted to be the one thing that she is good at and, who knows, may have been the driving force of her survival back in the 90s.

As for Jeff? His claim to not being boring is confronting Kevyn at the gym and being a terrible liar regarding Shauna’s affair.

Things To Note

Question(s) Left Unanswered

  1. Assumingly, blood calls whatever the demonic being is, but what leads to them going away?
  2. Is it just stress, or something more which leads to Taissa’s other half to appear?
  3. When did Misty and Lottie see each other last? Is she aware of the cult?
  4. Whatever happened to Crystal?
  5. Is the thing Taissa is dealing with inherited since it seems her mother’s side had experience with the occult, but it isn’t clear if any of them were possessed like she is?
  6. Also, is the thing possessing Taissa friend or foe to her?
  7. Has Misty ever had a boyfriend?
  8. Where is Paul now?
  9. What was the official story when the parents got their kids remains? There were rumors of cannibalism, but no one confirmed that, so what was the official cause of death? I don’t know much about forensics, but surely they could tell all of them didn’t die in the plane crash or the fire that came after that.

What Could Happen Next

  1. Walter and Misty growing closer, and Misty playing down Walter’s role in her life when Natalie meets him
  2. Taissa visiting her mother and asking about the entity she is possessed with
  3. Lottie exploring what might have caused her beehive to now be filled with blood and dead bees on top
  4. Also, Natalie wanting to break into Lottie’s cabin and see what’s in there
  5. Kevyn and his associate continuing their investigation, and Kevyn being a deciding factor of whether or not Shauna and the rest go down for murder
  6. Whoever is the second person killed, I bet the girls will not have the same good experience as they did with the first one and wonder what they did wrong.

Collected Quote(s)

  • […] the biggest truth of all. We’re made of lies. – Crystal



Misty May Have A Little Boyfriend

Walter texting Misty about a road trip
“Walter texting Misty about a road trip,” Yellowjackets, “Digestif,” directed by Jeff W. Byrd, 2023, (Showtime)

Misty may have been looking for love in all the wrong places, which, in a corny joke way, is kind of ironic for someone who is a notable detective. But with Walter, it seems she has found someone who can understand and match her crazy, wants to spend time with her doing simple things, and perhaps provide her willingly what she has to trick men into doing before. At least based on the date she tried to have in season 1.

And to be honest, in multiple ways, Walter and Misty seem cute. Plus, add in there are both played by child stars, who have played some odd characters. Though Christina Ricci’s odd bunch far outnumbers Elijah Wood’s, there is a certain understanding beyond the characters that feels like it allows for a deeper connection.

Increasing Information About Taissa

Taissa (Tawny Cypress) speaking with her sleep walking persona
“Taissa (Tawny Cypress) speaking with her sleep walking persona,” Yellowjackets, “Digestif,” directed by Jeff W. Byrd, 2023, (Showtime)

Taissa’s other half speaking is the biggest thing for her character in a long time. Yes, she did talk to Akilah again and have some Black girls’ time, but I don’t expect that to become a thing. However, that other side talking to Van in the 90s and seemingly trying to communicate with Taissa in the present day? It feels like the biggest shift in Taissa’s trajectory in a while. Let’s just hope the early on hype this causes leads to a good payoff.

Ben’s Regrets

Ben sometimes feels like an afterthought. He is the only adult in the 90s, only one of two male characters alive, but with the whole Misty infatuation over, he is just there. Especially since, with being unable to hunt or forage, he is stuck in or near the cabin and unable to contribute much.

So diving into his past seemed like the right thing to do since it is unlikely he has a future. For, more than likely, he is going to be killed, and this could make his death sadder.

Getting Why Lottie Is A Spiritual Leader

Is there something about Lottie that does come off fishy? Yes. However, we can’t discount how much trauma she has endured being drugged up by her parents, forced into shock therapy – despite being born way after the 50s and 60s, and who knows what other abuses in the name of mental health she has gone through. Hell, part of why she might be so invested in talk therapy and spiritualism is as an alternative to all the extremes she went through.

Either way, just the whole Lisa situation pushes the idea she is a leader of this camp for a good reason. Now, as Lisa did note, Lottie also keeps her cabin locked for a good reason, but let’s not pretend digging up old demons and making people self-reflective doesn’t bring up ill feelings that can lead to terrible actions. Never mind the potential of people becoming obsessed and possessive of her to the point of becoming dangerous.

Adult Shauna

Shauna getting that man’s gun, and then threatening that other guy to the point of sweating bullets, over her car, and Callie’s stuffed animal, gave a Misty level of crazy I’ve longed for out of Shauna. Note, she is the one who started and gave validation that it was okay to eat Jackie. She was the one who went back to save people after the plane crash. Shauna is not the meek person she often portrays herself as. If anything, she is so suppressed that being free doesn’t seem normal to her anymore. Which is sad, but then when you see her liberated? It is like watching a phoenix rise from its ashes.

On The Fence

Adult Natalie Coming Off Like A Bad Version Of Misty

Natalie (Juliette Lewis)
“Natalie (Juliette Lewis),” Yellowjackets, “Digestif,” directed by Jeff W. Byrd, 2023, (Showtime)

I’m starting to think the reason I’ve never been fond of the adult version of Natalie isn’t just because the character is overly reliant on another to boost them up but also because they don’t match up with their past self. Yes, the rock star look and voice may match up, but even with the acknowledgment of drug addiction, the 90s Natalie becoming this one doesn’t make sense.

I could more so imagine Misty, burnt out from trying so hard, doing drugs to numb herself, and maybe get free from hope and expectation, becoming Juliette Lewis’ take on Natalie. But maybe that’s me?

Why Does It Feel Like We’re Halfway Through The Season?

Most shows we watch aren’t on premium stations, so when they say an hour, it is 40 minutes. But, with that said, something about “Yellowjackets” makes it feel longer than it is. I don’t know if it is because it is split between two time periods which often feel like they are competing for dominance than complimenting each other, or the way the pacing is, it sometimes feels like the show moves at a snail’s pace.

I’m not saying this is necessarily a bad thing, when the show is good, but it does help me understand, like in the case of episodes one and two, why we sometimes are hard on this show. If you stuff a hour’s worth of content into a show, and part of it feels like filler, and even in a second season, characters still haven’t hit their stride, it makes everything feel so much longer and eventually tedious.

[ninja_tables id=”61523″]

Sleepwalking Taissa (Tawny Cypress) doing the occult symbol with her hands
Yellowjackets: Season 2 Episode 3 “Digestif” – The Episode When Taissa’s Sleepwalking Persona Speaks | Recap
Misty May Have A Little Boyfriend
Increasing Information About Taissa
Ben’s Regrets
Getting Why Lottie Is A Spiritual Leader
Adult Shauna
Adult Natalie Coming Off Like A Bad Version Of Misty
Why Does It Feel Like We’re Halfway Through The Season?

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