Why Does Nobody Remember Me in This World?: Season 1 Episode 9 – Review & Recap

In a rather dry episode, “Why Does Nobody Remember Me In This World?” sidesteps focusing on the war between non-human entities, to maintain focus on characters who have long lost their luster.

The Gist

The TLDR Recap/ Review

  1. “Why Does Nobody Remember Me in This World?” breaks up the formula by not having Kai and the rest facing a hero this episode, or even reaching the next human settlement.
  2. Instead, they end up at a hot springs where there is light ecchi moments, until they are forced to fight a Behemoth and have a decent amount of back and forth, including Kai getting injured, before it is defeated.
  3. But, the interesting part comes from some voice drawing them to some kind of temple and the need to question if this is related to the Spirit hero Rikugen, who was getting their behind whipped by Rath=IE.
  4. Someone who, by the way, is closely allied with Last Riser and uses them in their fight, that ends seemingly with Rikugen retreating.
  5. When it comes to this episode, I feel like we missed the opportunity to see the heroes at war with humanity not being involved.
  6. In my mind, we should see the issues the Beast and Spirits have with one another, just as much as the Celestials and Demons, and that all mixed up.
  7. For as of now, the humans are so boring and this show could use a nice change of pace, and these ecchi moments aren’t doing much at all, beyond showing a sense of desperation for attention.
  8. So, one can only hope, with taking an episode off from the humans fighting one of the other races, maybe we’ll get some notable world building since that has been the one thing “Why Does Nobody Remember Me in This World?” has done a below average job at.


Low Points

Feeling Like We Need A Non-Human Episode More Than Ever

On The Fence

What The Voice In The Temple Could Lead To

General Information

Additional Information

Episode Title

The Center of the World

Release Date

September 7, 2024



How To Watch

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Project No. 9


Sugizawa Satoru

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