Why Does Nobody Remember Me In This World?: Season 1 Episode 8 – Review & Recap

As the battle with Lord Alfreya ends, who will be next and whether the Last Riser will continue to be a menace is questioned.

The Gist

The TLDR Recap/ Review

  1. Lord Alfreya is defeated in a rather lackluster battle, even if Reiren and Jeanne’s combo attack led to a flashy save for Kai.
  2. But, what the show lacks in battles this episode, at least it compensates with in the story as we learn of Last Riser being a confirmed ally of Rath=IE, the Beast hero.
  3. If we’re lucky, someone who seemingly may battle Rikugen, the Spirit hero in the next episode.
  4. Aside from that, as the Celestials make a truce with humanity and task them with learning more about Last Riser, we learn Reiren is going to stick with the humans as a guide. One who may have feelings for Kai, giving him yet another admirer.
  5. However, with the plan for them to go south to face the Beast hero and convince the Lion King, Balmung, of the Yulun Rebel Army to join forces, things may remain difficult for humanity’s win.
  6. Is it weird to enjoy the politics of a war story far more than the battles? I don’t know if it is the art style or lacking a sense of danger, but it is hard to get into the battle scenes.
  7. However, there is intrigue when it comes to the politics, from Dante being humbled, questions of Balmung’s personality, and how the rest of humanity is surviving.
  8. Add on Rath=IE seemingly being the original ally of Last Riser, born of the hatred of the fallen, and there is far more intrigue in the behind-the-scenes action than that with magic or weapons.

Other Noteworthy Information

  • From what it seems, Last Riser existed in the old world, and Sid was aware of it.
  • All the heroes were alive in the old world but chained up to prevent them from doing anything.
  • There is a need to question if Rinne and Last Riser are connected.

New Characters

Hisako Kanemoto As Rikugen Koyko

Yû Kobayashi As Rath=IE

General Information

Additional Information

  1. Previous Episode: Season 1/ Episode 7
  2. Series Page

Episode Title

Celestial Purgatory

Release Date

August 31, 2024



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Project No. 9


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Why Does Nobody Remember Me In This World?: Season 1 Episode 8 - Review

Title: Why Does Nobody Remember Me In This World?: Season 1 Episode 8

Description: As the battle with Lord Alfreya ends, who will be next and whether the Last Riser will continue to be a menace is questioned.

Date Released: August 31, 2024

Episode number: 8

Part of season: 1

Part of series: Why Does Nobody Remember Me In This World?

Author: Amari Allah

Production company: Crunchyroll

Director(s): Project No. 9

Genre: Animation, Action, Fantasy


With battles feeling consistently lackluster, one can only hope future episodes learn more into the politics of war, which seems to be the strong suit of “Why Does Nobody Remember Me In This World?”

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