The World’s Finest Assassin Gets Reincarnated In Another World As An Aristocrat: Season 1/ Episode 9 “Compensation of Assassination” – Recap/ Review (with Spoilers)

Lugh and His Former Self after Lugh's first assassination without his father

As Lugh is prepping for his first assassination, without his father’s guidance, he is also tasked with tapping into his emotions and thinking about his future family.

As Lugh is prepping for his first assassination, without his father’s guidance, he is also tasked with tapping into his emotions and thinking about his future family.

Aired 12/1/2021
Network VRV
Directed By Yūsuke Sekine
Written By Katsuhiko Takayama
Introduced This Episode
Count Azba Venkaur TBD
Countess Bridgette Venkaur TBD


There Are Other Duties Beyond Assassinations You Need To Attend To – Lugh, Tarte, Maha, Esri

Lugh’s return home is complicated due to his mother, Esri, thinking it is time to have Lugh plan for marriage and children. This is the farthest thing from his mind as he plans for his first assassination without his father’s guidance. Yet, his mother is incessant, and with Tarte talking about Lugh’s wet dreams, this only excites Esri more for it pushes the idea Lugh is ready for children.

Esri noting she wants grandkids

However, it seems Lugh has been avoiding notable relationships for a while now. How and why? Well, aside from Maha gathering information on the next target, what isn’t known to the public, she also informs us that Lugh frequents brothels. Yes, off-camera, Lugh has been handling his needs. But, she notes that the going theory is he represses any feeling or desire to have romantic feelings for Tarte or Maha under the guise of them being family. Yet, at this point, while both she, Maha, and Tarte did see Lugh as a big brother, they are older now and have seemingly outgrown that relationship.

Lugh plays this down, but while Tarte might be willing to suffer in silence, Maha is different. As shown in the carriage conversation, she isn’t going to just sit there, long for Lugh, and hope he changes his perception of her. Oh no, once she feels like his equal, she will pursue him, which, again, isn’t taken seriously by Lugh, but that doesn’t seem to deter Maha.

This Is What That Disguise Was For – Lugh, Tarte

It’s Lugh’s first outing as Illig to gather information and infiltrate a well-protected noble. During his initial investigation, he brings Tarte along and explore Pisear, the second greatest merchant town to Milteau, where Vizein, a drug commissioned and distributed by the target noble, is ravaging the streets. Also, they spot many a soldier injured due to the noble sharing military secrets of the kingdom.

The Death Of Count Azba Venkaur – Count Venkaur, Bridgette, Lugh, Maha, Tarte

But the most notable information comes when Lugh and Maha meet the noble Count Venkaur’s wife Bridgette, and the Count invites them to a party. Now, the information that is worth noting isn’t that the Vize plant used for Vizein is highly addictive and causes pleasurable feelings. Also, it isn’t that Count Venkaur uses the mafia as an excuse, while profiting and likely paying off other nobles for hush money.

Heck, the most notable information isn’t even, days after the party, Lugh revealing to us that the Count has mana and people with mana are harder to kill, unless you use copper tungsten bullets. The most notable information is actually, despite how cold Lugh can seem, he does have a heart.

You see, Bridgette, the Count’s wife, is the collateral damage of the assassination, and as a countess, she is rather kind. Yet, with the death of her husband, you see her not only losing the love of her life but also the source of her kingdom’s riches, and considering they just went from poor to rich nobles, it would seem her fortunes got reversed all with one bullet. For this, Lugh may not feel guilt, but it does seem his decision weighs on him in ways that show he is truly no longer a tool of death but a person who made their own judgement, and accepts the responsibility of the ripple effects he will cause.

Things To Note | Question(s) Left Unanswered

Question(s) Left Unanswered

  1. How will the show balance out Lugh having to potentially sire the next generation, his assassinations, and building up to Lugh killing the hero? Someone who we still haven’t seen the face of yet?
  2. Considering Lugh goes to brothels, what is his type?

What Could Happen Next

  1. I think we’re overdue to meet the hero and potentially see the demon lord.



A Man With Needs

While a bit comical, Lugh sneaking away to brothels to handle his needs, it does really push you to understand, as open as Lugh might be to imbalanced relationships, he has no desire to take advantage of Tarte or Maha. Now, in him regulating them to the roles of little sisters, he does make them feel like they do them a disservice. Yet, it does bring you to question, with him pronouncing his love for Dia, has he tried to do anything with her?

Maha giving you the eye

Much less, if not more, did he just note his love for her as a cover to potentially avoid an arranged marriage? If not the overall distraction dating would bring him? As shown, Lugh is a man who thinks ahead but with it not being clear whether he is actively avoiding serious relationships due to him, traditionally, not having one, or because he potentially fears the unknown is hard to say. The only thing that is for sure is that, while he may actively avoid romantic entanglements, off-screen, he remains a man with needs.

Collateral Damage

When it comes to the assassinations that we’ve seen thus far, as Cian noted, they were people on death row. They appeared poor, of no notable standing in society, and thus were easy and simple kills. With Count Venkaur, what is left behind is not only his wife, but the village he oversaw which benefitted greatly from his ill gotten gains. His drug trade, and selling of military secrets, may have meant addicts in the street and injured soldiers, but it also meant a happy wife, a black market economy that lifted some out of poverty, and so much more.

Now, Lugh doesn’t see the entire dominoe effect, or house of cards, but he does see Bridgette distraught, holding her dead husband. This isn’t taken lightly, to some surprise, since you’d think Lugh built a callous to this by now. However, whether it is because he has a new life, understands the meaning or mortality, or has people he could lose now, it seems the weight of his decision can’t be ignored or downplayed, as he does so much of his life. Leading you to wonder, with him deciding who dies and who doesn’t, will there come a scenario he just can’t bring himself to kill someone?

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Lugh and His Former Self after Lugh's first assassination without his father
The World’s Finest Assassin Gets Reincarnated In Another World As An Aristocrat: Season 1/ Episode 9 “Compensation of Assassination” – Recap/ Review (with Spoilers)
Trajectory: Plateau
As we are pushed to seeing Lugh as a person with needs and feelings, there is the need to question when we're going to meet the hero and potentially learn if there is more to the Goddess' desire for them to be assassinated.
A Man With Needs
Collateral Damage

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