The Quad: Season 2/ Episode 5 “#NativeSon” – Recap/ Review (with Spoilers)

Ella Grace as she hears why Eva quit her last job.

As Eva continues to go head to head with Officer Early, she finds growing opposition from students and staff in regards to her tenure. Network B.E.T. Director(s) Karen Moncrieff Writer(s) Sara Finney-Johnson Air Date 2/28/2018 Characters Introduced Dave Hill TBD Jazz Ray “Quasi” Nelson Anything To Be On The Line or Team: Cedric, Bryce, Miles,…

As Eva continues to go head to head with Officer Early, she finds growing opposition from students and staff in regards to her tenure.

Director(s) Karen Moncrieff
Writer(s) Sara Finney-Johnson
Air Date 2/28/2018
Characters Introduced
Dave Hill TBD
Jazz Ray “Quasi” Nelson

Anything To Be On The Line or Team: Cedric, Bryce, Miles, Bo John, J’vae, Coach Hardwick

With Bryce’s dad popping up, that is a real kick in Bryce’s ass for finding out a way to become a member of Sigma Mu. Thus pushing the guilt-ridden Cedric to damn near beg Miles to let him in but that isn’t happening – at least at first. For between looking out for Bryce, and the leadership role Cedric takes when it comes to the students disagreeing with Dr. Fletchers various policies, Miles takes note of him. To the point, even if it means having Bryce a brother, to have Cedric be part of the frat, Miles is willing to make that deal.

For the strength of brotherhood means everything to members of the student population. Sisterhood as well, but that is a little bit less reliable, as talked about in the third topic. However, in terms of brotherhood, even after Bo John swinging on J’vae, Dwight’s best friend, got the whole team in trouble, when J’vae later jumps Bo John, everyone is ready to go to war.

However, Coach Hardwick stops them from that nonsense and it seems Bo John’s father may make drastic moves to protect his son. Especially in light of Terrence’s death and what Coach Hardwick did and did not do.

Your Legacy: Cecil

Cecil's alleged son Jazz.

Thanks to an old friend, who Cecil used to play music with, seemingly be on the road with, he learns that this singer he used to have a fling with, well 26 years ago she bore him a son. A perplexing development, but one Cecil is ready to assume the responsibility of. However, the boy, Jazz, rejects him outright. Leaving Cecil in this weird space between being rejected by this stranger he barely knows, but has been pushed into the idea is his kid. Thus giving him the chance to be the dad his father never was. If not a better version of him.

Calling For Justice, Even When You Know You’re Wrong: Eva, Ella Grace, Carlton

Eva needs a friend. It’s nice she has some doctor giving her something tender, alongside some drugs for her anxiety, but what she needs is a confidant. Which she thinks she may have found in Ella Grace, but there is this tricky line between co-worker, friend, and someone who has a vested interest in preserving the school getting in the way. Hence why her revealing her relationship with Jason, probably one of the dumbest things Eva has done as of late.

If only because now, Eva’s only true ally, has turned on her. Now, granted, the reveal of Jason and why Eva had to quit her old job was just the straw which broke the camel’s back. The police matter and all of Eva’s decisions, which didn’t include anyone but her, herself, and she, were the big issues long before that one.

But, at least it seems Eva has defeated Officer Early right? She convinces a young man, Dave Hill, to stand with her, and Lisa reports that the man was taken down. However, don’t think that’ll be the last we see of him. He already has passive-aggressively threatened Eva before and between noticing a glassy look in her eye and what she has done, he definitely will seek revenge.

Miscellaneous Commentary

The Episode Leaves You A Bit Indifferent

Eva looking at Ella Grace with a bit of shock.

At this point in the show, the series even, it has become clear who are the characters that are noteworthy and who need to really be downgraded. When it comes to Ebony and Noni, they need to be focused on more as Eva and all her drama gets downgraded. For, don’t get me wrong, I enjoy Anika Noni Rose, but Eva is not written to play up to her strengths. Hell, Eva is just not written well at all. It is as if they want her to be like one of the characters Shonda Rhimes writes, but the execution is mediocre.

I mean, doesn’t it seem like someone is following a blueprint with Eva? And to me, that is the main thing bringing down the show. Despite a name like The Quad, which makes it seem like it would be about the social lives the student population, instead, we’re dealing with a star vehicle which is sputtering and needs to be retired.

But, at least there is the ever slightest possibility that with Eva’s contract being up soon, and her floundering, Ella Grace, Carlton, and Cecil, may collectively give her the boot. Which likely isn’t going to happen, but could allow for this series to refocus on stronger storylines and characters. For honestly, like with season 1, there is a certain amount of fatigue setting in with this show, despite it taking a week off, which makes me wonder what the end goal is here.

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