1. First, lol regarding Dr. Melendez and his surgery schedule – “I know, know, suspension of disbelief….” Very clever! Regarding Claire and Dr. Melendez, I am completely in the “get over himself” camp.

    I was really moved by what Shaun said about his father and his brother, too! I also hope we see his parent(s) sometime this season.

    I don’t know where else Shaun can meet people. Dr. Glassman seems to have blown him off (or is too busy with the brain cancer to give him any thought). And Claire, Morgan, and Dr. Park are work friends only. So that leaves Lea. And after last week’s excellent episode, and how this week the writer’s completely slowed it down so there was no earth-shaking argument, yet we got to learn more about Lea, I trust the writers to take Shaun and Lea’s relationship on a “journey” (for lack of a better word) that will be fun and emotionally satisfying and enjoyable for us the viewers.

    1. I wonder if, as a friend, Lea may push Shaun to join her for work events. Maybe even, since she is so stressed and burned out, maybe join her doing something beyond disappearing for a few days.

      1. I really like the “work events” idea. Whether it is the Company Picnic or the Company Softball Game (just guessing at tv Company tropes), I think it would be a lot of fun to see Lea bring/drag Shaun to these events. I would enjoy seeing that! My lack of creativity can’t think of anything else, but I’m game for whatever else Lea has in mind as long as it doesn’t get Shaun in trouble with the hospital like the road trip did (even though there were no lasting consequences that I can remember).

        1. Shaun got chastised and Dr. Glassman got caught in a lie. That’s about it. The only real consequence of that road trip was Shaun catching feelings for Lea. Hence why he is trying to bend and got the apartment, in my mind, to figure a way so that he can be himself yet convince her to stay and be consistent.

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