The Good Doctor: Season 6/ Episode 7 – Recap/ Review (with Spoilers)

Lea being consoled by Shaun

A recast Isabel arrives with a woman soon to deliver sextuplets in tow, which coincides with Shaun and Lea wanting to try for their own, and Morgan looking for a sperm donor.

A recast Isabel arrives with a woman soon to deliver sextuplets in tow, which coincides with Shaun and Lea wanting to try for their own, and Morgan looking for a sperm donor.

Aired (ABC) 11/28/2022
Episode Title Boys Don’t Cry
Director(s) Mike Listo
Writer(s) Garrett Lerner, Adam Scott Weissman
Introduced This Episode
Clay Michael Patrick Thornton
Isabel Golden Brooks


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Who Knew Your Presence Would Be A Gift – Isabel, Dr. Andrews

Isabel (Golden Brooks) talking to Dr. Andrews
“Isabel (Golden Brooks) talking to Dr. Andrews,” The Good Doctor, “Boys Don’t Cry,” directed by Mike Listo, 2022, (ABC)

Isabel, who brought the parents having sextuplets, is a surprise to see. After her affair and the divorce, you’d think she and Dr. Andrews wouldn’t be in each other’s space ever again. Yet, with him the president of a major hospital, and her needing someone she can trust, who has an excellent team, she goes to him. This doesn’t lead to the door opening for a reconciliation, but at the very least, there is an apology.

So I See You Want A Baby – Alex, Morgan, Lea, Shaun, Daniel

As the sextuplets arrive and different teams are set up, somehow Alex and Morgan end up paired, and as expected, they bicker. Mind you, not only about the babies they were assigned but there is some back and forth over Morgan’s decision to have a child on her own. Alex says the wrong things, more often than not, but his offer to donate his sperm is acknowledged and rejected. Mainly because Morgan doesn’t want that pain trigger on a daily basis. But, as part of their extended olive branches, it is agreed Alex can help find Morgan’s donor.

Switching to Shaun, he is paired with Daniel whose positive energy is much needed. Lea and Shaun would like to become parents, and Daniel comments Shaun would be a good one, but with Lea having Asherman’s Syndrome and scarring, it isn’t clear if she could carry a baby to term. This makes Shaun responsible for a premmie and keeping it alive, a means to deal with his own grief and the challenges of his personal life.

There Is More To This Man Than I Thought – Clay, Dr. Lim, Danica

Clay (Michael Patrick Thornton) flirting
“Clay (Michael Patrick Thornton) flirting,” The Good Doctor, “Boys Don’t Cry,” directed by Mike Listo, 2022, (ABC)

Dr. Lim and Danica being paired up allows Danica to continue to push Dr. Lim to accept, like, maybe even love this new chapter and embrace it. Case in point, she gets Clay, who is Danica’s basketball rival at the VA, to make a move on Dr. Lim. He brings her dinner, gives her an idea that helps save a baby, and making her feel butterflies when they kiss? It gives Danica major points in Dr. Lim’s book that could be immensely useful down the road.

Things To Note

Question(s) Left Unanswered

  1. Will we see more of the recast Isabel?

What Could Happen Next

  1. Lea and Shaun pursuing a surrogate
  2. The show teasing different staff members potentially being asked to be the father of Morgan’s child
  3. Danica and Dr. Lim continuing to head towards best friends status


Notable Performances or Moments

  1. Lim looking like a teenager, experiencing something new, exciting, with a dash of anxiety, when she kissed Clay


Dr. Lim Potentially Finding Love, And The Currency This Gives Danica

Dr. Lim has long been a character who has wanted love, but because of her job, she couldn’t. Dr. Melendez and her had a professional rivalry, and with her being his boss, it complicated things. And beyond him, dating has always been in conflict with work. But perhaps one reason why is no one was willing to step up like Clay? He brought her food, found time in her schedule, and made it worth it for her.

Then, when you add in a newbie bringing about all this? It really pushes you to recognize how, as much as everyone is co-workers, they aren’t friends. We don’t see them go out and hang out like when Claire was around. But, Danica has quickly found herself involved in Dr. Lim’s life from her decision to have surgery that could affect her mobility, having her play basketball with her, and now setting her up!

To me, this is strategic in ways that deserve applause for while I don’t think Danica is manipulating Dr. Lim for a notable gain, you cannot deny the amount of social currency each decision is leading her to have.

The Potential Of Dr. Andrews Having A Storyline

Since Salen left, Dr. Andrews hasn’t really had his own storyline. He was featured in other people’s storylines, especially when they had a problem, but as for his struggles fixing what Salen did? That isn’t gone into. Him dating after his divorce? That storyline was dropped. But with his wife back and recast by the icon Golden Brooks, maybe they may rekindle things? It isn’t like “The Good Doctor” is against exes lingering about.

Quickly Clearing Up Alex Isn’t An Option For Morgan

Morgan talking to Alex about her decision having kids
“Morgan talking to Alex about her decision having kids,” The Good Doctor, “Boys Don’t Cry,” directed by Mike Listo, 2022, (ABC)

Speaking of lingering exes, can I just say Morgan making it clear Alex is not an option for her child led to a sigh of relief. Granted, she can change her mind. But as of now, it seems their pairing will remain platonic, and while Alex will continue to suck the life out of Morgan, at least their power dynamic is that way vs. Morgan relying on Alex for relevancy.

On The Fence

Another Round Of Shaun And Lea Pregnancy Issues

Would it be wonderful to see Shaun be a father and deal with fatherhood? Yes. For if it is a boy and he names it after his brother I would shed tears like I haven’t since season 1. Also, is it good to continue to talk about fertility issues, especially since women having issues with getting pregnant is something not normalized? Absolutely.

Our issue comes with how Shaun handles things where he will beat a subject into the ground and when you combine this with how this is something Lea is mainly struggling with, yet it will become all about Shaun, it frustrates me. Lea had a major moment helping to save the hospital during the heatwave, and that probably is one of the few times she got her own spotlight and wasn’t part of the show as Shaun’s wife.

So if we’re going down this road, I need them to give Lea the space she deserves for this to be about her, featuring Shaun, than about Shaun, with Lea being a vehicle.

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Lea being consoled by Shaun
The Good Doctor: Season 6/ Episode 7 – Recap/ Review (with Spoilers)
“Boys Don’t Cry” acts as a reminder of what many of the doctors believe in, like Jordan’s advocacy for the life of babies, while also presenting the struggle Dr. Andrews had in the past, Shaun does in the present, and what some, like Dr. Lim, wasn’t sure could be part of their future.
Community Rating2 Votes
Quickly Clearing Up Alex Isn’t An Option For Morgan
The Potential Of Dr. Andrews Having A Storyline
Dr. Lim Potentially Finding Love, And The Currency This Gives Danica
Another Round Of Shaun And Lea Pregnancy Issues

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