The Equalizer: Season 1/ Episode 3 “Judgement Day” – Recap/ Review (with Spoilers)

Robyn dealing with family matters

A new week, a new case, more mother/daughter adjustments, and Detective Dante continuing to be an uneasy ally to Robyn.

A new week, a new case, more mother/daughter adjustments, and Detective Dante continuing to be an uneasy ally to Robyn.

Director(s) Solvan “Slick” Naim
Writer(s) Erica Shelton Kodish
Aired (CBS) 2/21/2021
Newly Noted Characters
Avery Grafton Jennifer Ferrin

This content contains pertinent spoilers. Also, images and text may contain affiliate links, which, if a purchase is made, we’ll earn money or products from the company.


Mothering Is Hard – Delilah, Robyn

It’s a real struggle for Robyn to come back into the fold, knowing who Delilah is friends or not friends with, but she is trying. And for that, Delilah gives her some points. She is consistently picking her up, dropping her off, and checking in now. So while Robyn is tripping on occasion, Aunt Vi stepping back and Robyn stepping up is noticed and appreciated.

This Week’s Case – Robyn, Mel, Harry, Detective Dante, DA Avery Grafton

This week’s case deals with a judge being blackmailed by her son’s friend, both in modern times and when she was a prosecutor, and it bites her in the ass. Of which, perhaps the only real notable thing here is the introduction of the district attorney, Avery Grafton. She helps take down the judge, thanks to the combo of Detective Dante, Robyn, Mel and Harry.

DA Avery Grafton (Jennifer Ferrin) talking to the judge
DA Avery Grafton (Jennifer Ferrin)

Now, why is she important? Well, considering Robyn increasingly is finding her way into cases Detective Dante is working on and making him look good, it draws attention. The kind which may make the DA investigate who is Detective Dante’s source?

An Uneasy Ally – Detective Dante, Robyn

This is an issue for Detective Dante since his father, who was once a pristine and legendary cop, got his career tarnished with a drug charge. So, for Detective Dante, keeping things clean and by the book is all he wants, but it is hard to deny Robyn isn’t useful. Heck, it even seems mutually understood that Robyn likes the chase, and Detective Dante doesn’t mind chasing her.

However, whether or not this chase may end in an arrest or date? Well, that’s anyone’s guess.

Collected Quote(s) & .Gifs

Not every question isn’t an accusation.
— Detective Dante



Detective Dante v. Robyn

While the chemistry isn’t smoking hot, we appreciate the cat and mouse game that Detective Dante and Robyn have. Granted, Robyn is definitely not a mouse in terms of being vulnerable and small, but you do have to enjoy the tease. Especially since it seems to be her way of flirting, and while Detective Dante finds her interesting, it is too soon to tell whether or not he feels romantically taken by her.

Detective Dante saying goodbye to Robyn

Yet, with Robyn wanting to have a normal life, we’re not against a love interest. I think Detective Dante may only be a starter, not end game, but you never know.

On The Fence

Wanting More From Aunt Vi

As of now, Aunt Vi comes off more like a nanny more than a family member. Which with the talent of Lorraine Toussaint, she appears wasted in such a small role. Granted, a check is a check, but surely they can do more with her than a comment here, playing peacekeeper here, and that being it.

The Balance Of The Case v. Robyn’s Home Life

One of our persistent struggles with shows featuring cases of the week or procedurals in general, is whether there is a point in recapping cases that often don’t matter in the long run? Will the show revisit how Robyn led to Judge Cooley’s downfall? Will the details that her son’s friend, Dr. Geraghty, killed Elaine, based on Judge Cooley, then a prosector, talking about her case? Never mind, the reason Dr. Geraghty killed Elaine was because she learned about him running a pill mill?

Also, will we see Dale, who was Robyn’s client, or his public defender, Nic Palermo, ever again? In our notes, we write down what happened, but what is the long-term relevance of any of these cases?

Heck, even in terms of the CIA and when Robyn is interfering with their cases, like in the last episode, will any specific case, or members of a case, come back to haunt her? Because, as of now, while we love seeing Robyn and Delilah bond, it’s not a huge part of the episode. I’d even say there isn’t necessarily a good flow between Robyn the mother and Robyn the equalizer.

Robyn dealing with Aunt Vi's criticism

Thus making me hope, similar to Mr. InBetween, Robyn can eventually find the right balance between being some form of the good guy and making up for lost time with Delilah.

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The Balance Of The Case v. Robyn's Home Life - 73%
Wanting More From Aunt Vi - 74%
Detective Dante v. Robyn - 81%


While The Equalizer works on balancing out why you should invest in Robyn's professional and personal life, at the very least, we got a quality action scene, continued cute scenes between Robyn and Delilah, and maybe even a love interest for Robyn in Detective Dante.

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