Tell Me Lies: Season 2 Episode 5 – Review & Recap

Sadie and Lydia come visit, and with that you see the possible reasons why Stephen and Lydia ended up together.

Storyline Recap

Halloween Weekend Rendezvous – Bree, Oliver

Bree gets her wish and gets to spend the night with Oliver. However, it is starting to become clear this relationship won’t last. Oliver has no real negative issues with his wife, and regarding this relationship, beyond Bree telling Lucy, what issues are there for him? But, in one showy performance with a bartender and the realization Oliver thinks this could last forever while this isn’t much more than a rebound for Bree, it seems she realizes this situation will need to end soon.

Familiar Faces That Make You Want To Leave – Lydia, Sadie, Stephen, Lucy, Diana

For Lucy and Stephen, Halloween weekend means Lucy’s best friend Lydia getting to visit, and for Stephen it means his little sister Sadie coming by. Originally, things were going well as people were introduced. However, a Halloween party leads to Lydia meeting Stephen, and telling him off, Diana and Stephen countering, which led to Lucy telling Sadie who her brother was.

That doesn’t go over well, leading to Stephen leaving a nasty voice mail that Lucy sends to Sadie so she can know the man her brother truly is.

Living Up To His Name – Stephen, Lydia, Lucy, Chris, Pippa, Diana

One of the first signs of why Lydia and Stephen get together is through their interaction after the Sadie incident. At the time, Lydia was mad at Lucy for a rumor was going around that Chris, Lydia’s little brother, raped someone. Knowing what almost happened to Pippa, Lucy isn’t instantly on Lydia and Chris’ side, and this causes a rift. Add in Stephen revealing all he credits Lucy with saying, while complimenting Lydia, and you can see him planting the seed needed to eventually have her the way he wants to.

However, it should be noted that what leads Diana and Pippa to get together is also presented. You see, with Stephen getting over a 170 on the LSAT and Diana barely a 150, them going to law school together is off, and Stephen benefiting from Diana’s connection may have went with it. Keeping that in mind, that could have been the entry point for how Diana and Pippa got close.

Mind you, Diana seeks out Pippa multiple times, from a Halloween party to after the news about Chris begins to circulate. She even helps Pippa touch up her roots in her dorm room. So, like Stephen, Diana seemingly played the long game, but as for how Pippa and Diana ended up in a secret relationship and Stephen and Lydia had an open one, there remain missing details.

Where to Watch: Tell Me Lies



The Curiosity Drawn By How Lydia Ends Up With Stephen And Diana With Pippa

Right now, the key thing to ask is how essential Chris is to the switch. Diana has been seeing glimpses of who Stephen really is, but has ignored them the best she can. But, will the Chris situation pull her towards Pippa? Will this lead to the moment in which Diana can no longer excuse, forgive, or ignore who Stephen is?

Taking Stephen out of the situation for a moment, however, one thing that hasn’t been divulged much is both Diana and Pippa’s sexualities. Pippa, in conversation with Wrigley, has presented herself as a people pleaser who doesn’t put herself first, and while we’ve seen some girls flirt with Pippa, it seems she has stuck primarily to Lucy and Bree – of which she has no romantic interest in either. As for Diana, Pippa is the first notable girl she has taken a interest in, and despite mentioning her sorority sisters multiple times throughout the season, Pippa remains the only woman she is pursuing an active friendship with.

But, while we can see why Diana may pursue Pippa, as shown in the future, Pippa is the one making far more effort. Could it be that she mirrors Bree’s story in some way, if not Lucy’s, with Diana being her first love, which is what pushes her to make the extra effort? It’s hard to say, but despite Chris being an alleged rapist, it seems his actions triggered Diana to realize she cares for Pippa, and in Pippa receiving that care, her realizing there could be something there beyond a friendship of convenience.

Wrigley and Pippa’s Friendship

While Wrigley remains in limbo of what he will do with his life, one of the main things he is contributing to the show is being Pippa’s friend. But, in this episode, the top thing he does as Pippa’s friend is give her permission not to be a people pleaser and focus on what she needs and her truth. Whether it is to let Wrigley know she didn’t enjoy his sex or massages, that she liked certain candies, or when she wanted to rest a bit, just laying on his lap without asking permission or checking how he would benefit.

To me, just as Bree found comfort in Lucy to be honest about her affair, I think Pippa will find comfort in being around Wrigley to reveal she is on the queer spectrum. For with his golden retriever energy, it may not lead to the questions Lucy and Bree will have, but rather just straight to the celebration and likely, knowing Wrigley, him asking if he could wingman.

Sadie Seeing Stephen’s Dark Side

I feel like all people, on the show and otherwise, you need that one person who doesn’t believe the negative things other people say. You have to have that one person who has a perception of you that you aspire to have, and for Stephen, that’s Sadie. Diana, in my mind, he thinks is still under his spell, but he’s torn between the representative and allowing himself to be vulnerable. So because of his need to have the power dynamics on his side, he can’t fully let go.

With Sadie, this is his little sister, she looks up to him but also knows his story first hand. That holds a value that, as we saw after Sadie heard that audio, he is deeply afraid of losing and may have lost. Which will make things hell for Lucy but, at the same time, may allow Stephen to embrace the darkness as who he is, rather than simply a tool. Heck, it may even help him understand his mother better since, per Sadie, the words Stephen says seem like they came out of their mother’s mouth.

On The Fence

Oliver, Bree, Evan and Molly

I want to enjoy Bree and Evan apart, but it is difficult. Oliver has potential to present something interesting in the form of being older, more mature, and helping Bree heal the wounds foster care caused her. However, it was already difficult to let go he was cheating on his wife, but without there being any reason beyond maybe his ego? Perhaps being flattered someone who seemingly isn’t 21 yet is attracted to him? All it does is make you see all the things disgusting about the relationship rather than what could benefit Bree.

Then with Evan, he is just straight up boring. Which, I know, I should appreciate since there is so much drama with these characters. However, I think the worst part of Evan being boring is because they aren’t exploring him through his relationship with Molly or even questioning if, maybe in a similar way to Stephen or Pippa, he is so focused on his representative or people pleasing, he doesn’t let people get to know him, his dark side, his desires, and instead, he focuses on getting what he wants or focusing on the other person’s needs.

I mean, there is clearly a person behind the charm and hookups that lead to breakfast, but with avoiding who Evan is beyond the façade, he easily fades to the background.

The Gist

The TLDR Recap/ Review

  1. It’s Halloween and it seemingly coincides with friends and family coming to campus, as Sadie, Stephen’s little sister, and Lydia, Lucy’s best friend and Chris’ older sister, visit.
  2. For Sadie, it is an eye-opening weekend as she clashes with Lucy and Lydia, leading to Lucy revealing that Stephen is like their mother.
  3. As for Lydia, she learns that there is a rumor about Chris being a rapist, and with that comes awkward glances at Pippa, who still wants no part of that situation.
  4. Beyond the Sadie and Lydia situation – Bree and Oliver go away for the weekend, Pippa and Wrigley reconcile as friends, and Diana also gets closer, and Evan is accused of stringing Molly along.
  5. At this point, I’m really interested to figure out how and when Diana got with Pippa and Lydia with Stephen because it seems like a major shift.
  6. Alongside that, I truly appreciate Leo and Lucy’s relationship for there is grace and room for growth made there that I don’t think we see too often in YA shows.
  7. But, while those relationships are of interest, what’s going on with Bree and Evan is losing steam quickly.
  8. Oliver is starting to come off weird and unless they dive into Evan’s need to always have some kind of girlfriend, Molly won’t evolve beyond being a placeholder.

General Information

Episode Title

Evil, Ornery, Scandalous, and Evil

Release Date

September 25, 2024




Eva Vives


Nicki Renna

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