Some Girls: Season 3/ Episode 5 – Overview/ Review (with Spoilers)

Overview As Holli’s boy juggling storyline continues, it seems Saz may have a possible boyfriend. Topic 1: The Chelsea’s Lady – Amber Topic 2: Holli’s Boyfriend(s) Problem – Holli Topic 3: Who Rated Me A Ten?! – Saz and Viva Review (with Spoilers) – Below Topic 1: The Chelsea’s Lady – Amber Thanks to a…


As Holli’s boy juggling storyline continues, it seems Saz may have a possible boyfriend.

Topic 1: The Chelsea’s Lady – Amber

Topic 2: Holli’s Boyfriend(s) Problem – Holli

Topic 3: Who Rated Me A Ten?! – Saz and Viva

Review (with Spoilers) – Below

Topic 1: The Chelsea’s Lady – Amber

Thanks to a lucky kick, Amber is suddenly taken seriously as a football player. Leading to an elite team, the Chelsea’s Lady, taking an interesting and wanting her to try out. Something which goes to Amber’s head since now she wants to take over as team captain, especially since the girls keep losing at football. However, during the tryouts, Amber learns she is utter crap and becomes very humbled.


With Viva having her Rocky storyline, Holli having her father’s return, and then what happens in topic 2, and Saz maybe getting a boyfriend, it seems about time for Amber to have a story of her own. Whether it is the return of Brandon, or something brand new. For while she makes a decent comic relief, and says the most interesting things when she is having a girl chat about Holli’s boyfriend(s) problem, you have to wonder if her character is ever going to evolve. Though, really thinking about it, you have to question: What would Amber even evolve to be? Well, besides a little less eccentric.

Topic 2: Holli’s Boyfriend(s) Problem – Holli

With the addition of a new boy, Curtis, Holli finds herself with three boyfriends. The first being Tonka, a posh kid who I don’t recall being properly introduced; Curtis, who is this Black kid who seemingly is on a sports team, and really loves using his tongue to kiss; and then Connor who is the guy we met when Holli was trying to help Amber break into Brandon’s flat.

But, unfortunately for Holli, she doesn’t have the energy, nor memory, to juggle three boys. So, with the help of Viva, Amber, and Saz, she tries to narrow it down to either two or one. Issue is, as she rates them for cleanliness, how good they are in bed, and etc., all the boys end up with the same average score. Though, in the end, Connor ends up winning for her is the only one who makes her feel bad about having multiple guys on a string. However, perhaps what really made him the one is because he said he loves her. Something Holli surely wasn’t expecting, and seemingly not mentally, nor emotionally, prepared for.


It surprising, in a way, how much of an investment Holli has been getting this season. For between her father’s return, helping Mr. Jeffries, and then this boyfriend situation, there is so much growth to the point it is hard to put her side by side with Amber anymore. After all, she doesn’t just seem like some girl from the wrong side of the tracks who is a full-on tomboy. Now, we see she is a bit of a daddy’s girl; love the idea of her family being together and happy; like Saz, to a point, doesn’t fully understand what love is, despite all the boys she has had; and is really just a normal person with a hardened exterior. Something we especially saw when she was crying in the bathroom stall two to three episodes ago.

Topic 3: Who Rated Me A Ten?! – Saz and Viva

As has long been established, Saz desperately wants someone to like her. However, with Viva’s social experiment leading to a lot of low ratings for her, making her average somewhere around 5, Saz is devastated. Well, until she learns someone gave her a ten. As for who? Well, that is what she seeks to find out throughout the episode. Leading to the boy who happens to be: Gabriel, Viva’s psychology project partner.


With the next episode being prom prep, I so hope they don’t just let this Saz storyline drop and not pursue it. For as nice as it is to see depth and a good story being given to Holli, I have been dying for such to happen to Saz. Be it because there hardly are any Indian characters, or any at all when I think about it, on the shows I watch, or because her weirdness is slightly appealing, I just want to see more from her than snarky remarks. Something hopefully Gabriel will give her.

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