
Some Girls: Season 3/ Episode 5 – Overview/ Review (with Spoilers)

Overview As Holli’s boy juggling storyline continues, it seems Saz may have a possible boyfriend. Topic 1: The Chelsea’s Lady – Amber Topic 2: Holli’s Boyfriend(s) Problem – Holli Topic 3: Who Rated Me A Ten?! – Saz and Viva Review (with Spoilers) – Below

Some Girls: Season 3/ Episode 3 – Overview/ Review (with Spoilers)

Overview As the level to Amber and Holli’s intelligence gets explored, Viva continues to look for ways to get out of her engagement. Topic 1: Maths – Holli, Amber, and Saz Topic 2: Reverse Psychology – Viva Topic 3: We Need To Talk – Viva and Rocky Review (with Spoilers)

Some Girls: Season 3/ Episode 2 – Overview/ Review (with Spoilers)

Overview As Viva deals with the weight of being the mature one, Holly’s issue is revealed. Review (with Spoilers) The girls go out to attend a festival and it seems to be all of their first ones. Though this isn’t any normal festival. For not only will there be music, drugs, and partying, but also…