Reasonable Doubt: Season 2 Episode 6 – Review & Recap

As Adrian reveals notable information, Lewis’ secret becomes harder to keep, and we learn that Corey may have his own secret.

Storyline Recap

The Little Issues – Naima, Jax, Lewis, Mama Lou

Jax’s family sometimes makes the work worth it, but other times, they make her life harder. Naima, for example, wants to do provocative dances on social media. Mama Lou ends up in the hospital trying to lose weight for a cruise, and Lewis? Him trying to figure out if he is the father of Toni’s baby is discovered before he can be honest about it.

Mind you, he was given the opportunity to do so, but he originally lied. Which makes all the work Jax and he have done thus far potentially fly out the window.

Getting Back To That Gun In Jax’s Face – Adrian, Jax, Henry, Lucy, Evan

At the end of the day, Adrian is just scared and vulnerable and wants out of the chaos Evan has gotten him into. Jax understands this, but ultimately, Shanelle is her client, and Adrian creates mixed feelings, for he did have a gun in her face, but he is also a Black man. So, deals are made.

Kurt Yue as Henry

Jax gets Adrian immunity in exchange for him corroborating evidence that can be held against Evan, who has a gambling ring mixed with an Epstein-type of situation going. Henry, the current DA, up for election, is willing to take this win, especially as it seems Lucy’s case against Shanelle may not go their way. For with each testimony, you can see the sway lean toward innocence, even if JT’s mother can’t accept it.

That’s My Father – Jeremiah, Corey, Jax

Corey is developing feelings for Jax, leading to an intimate scene that could lead you to believe Jax was cheating on Lewis. But it was all in Corey’s head. Corey isn’t alone in his feelings for Jeremiah; his father also recognizes Jax is attractive and hits on her. She doesn’t appreciate it, especially since she had this view of Jeremiah that has now been shattered, but it is what it is – old men acting like they never heard of boundaries or knowing about time, place, and audience.

Beyond that, however, one of the things Corey and Jeremiah have an issue with is that Corey wants to use his privilege, his father’s network, but his father doesn’t believe in that. He wants Corey to earn it, and while this is understandable, and Corey has been putting in that effort, at the same time, he also recognizes his dad is making him take a dirt road seemingly more because he, Jeremiah, had to than Corey needs to.

L. Warren Young as Jeremiah

However, in time, he presents the idea that he may let up, but he doesn’t walk away before noting that Corey needs a woman in his life if he ever wants to reach the heights his dad did.

Unresolved Issues – Lucy

With a high-profile case featuring a football player, a beloved one, and someone who is claiming domestic violence, and Lucy is going against the domestic violence survivor, it only makes sense things would be dangerous for her. We live in a time where you get doxed, hacked, all your information exposed, and for Lucy, another issue is Peter Thompson.

Lucy’s tires got slashed, and she assumed maybe it was someone for or against her case. But, we see a man outside her home as she takes her son inside, watching her, and are led to believe her biggest fears may have come true.

Collected Quote(s)

  • I wanna challenge you because you’re in a sweet spot. Instead of dreading its end, savor it while you can. – Dr. Lennon
  • […] men like us, we can’t get to the next level alone. We need a partner, a foundation, a guide, or else our dicks will lead us right off the cliff. — Jeremiah



Jax’s Solo Therapy

The idea of things being too good to be true is universal, and I’d submit for those who have gone through anything that left a mark on them and soiled their ability to just be happy, it is a constant issue. So for Jax, four months separated from the Damon situation, maybe a day from Adrian having a gun pointed towards her, and to not see herself at rock bottom yet? That’s saying something.

In her session, you are less so pushed to wonder why she didn’t mention Adrian threatening her life as you are pushed to understand she has normalized trauma to the point that she fears worse can happen than a man pointing a gun at her. Which, for her, ended up being her husband not only lying about seeing other people they knew but potentially getting said person pregnant.

The Case Gaining Traction

I think the main issue with the case thus far is that we’re expecting what “Reasonable Doubt” usually gives in notable personalities. For the most part, 9-1-1 operators, detectives, and people like that, Daniel may talk to them while investigating, but they aren’t built up in this show. So, seeing a 9-1-1 operator doesn’t do much, for we know they have this one scene, and then they are gone. At best, Jax or Lucy may eat them up, but that’s it.

But, between JT’s mom, now Adrian, things are getting more interesting, and there remains the need to question if Shanelle may take the stand. For that would lead to some really notable moments.

Better Focus On Lucy

Michael Scialabba as Peter Thompson

While it is too late for Lucy to recover in the courtroom, since they made her fodder for Corey and Jax, maybe they can tap into her potential by focusing on her personal life. From her moving so often, her relationship with her son, what went down with Peter, there is a glimmer of hope this character, who came in like a force to be reckoned with, doesn’t end the season one of the biggest mishandlings of the series so far.

Low Points

Naima’s Little Drama

When it comes to Spenser, there seems to be some effort there to make the character tolerable and allow him to become a supporting character that builds off previous storylines. Naima has yet to give that. She is firmly in; she exists to prove two characters had sex territory, and if she was written off in the next episode, it would suck for the actor’s family to not get that check, but this show might be better off story-wise and with its time management.

On The Fence

Adrian Exposing Evan’s Gambling Ring

Evan has long been established as a bad man, but I feel with how they have quickly ramped him up from a shady accountant to now having a gambling ring and doing some kind of Epstein stuff, that’s a lot that I feel the show hasn’t really handled with care. In my mind, Evan’s situation is a whole season within itself, and having that be a B-Storyline seems like a waste.

Especially when you consider how deep the situation could go, who is involved, and the people affected. But, I’ll tell you one thing: they better not suddenly throw in Sally’s husband, or her, to set up season 3.

Lewis’ Secret Revealed

I’m starting to feel “Reasonable Doubt” isn’t great at balancing the number of cast members it has. Lewis’ storyline with Toni isn’t like Evan’s storyline, but I would say it does deserve some oomph, for it is the most interesting thing about Lewis right now, since we don’t get much of his life outside of Jax and their family.

So, it is a bit disappointing how all of this is rolling out. I’ll admit, I don’t know how else it could, but the storyline feels like it is meant to give Lewis something to do beyond waiting for Jax to get home.

Corey’s Crush on Jax

I get and agree Jax is attractive. But why do we need whole scenes that could trick you into believing she is having an affair? These are actors, let them be subtle sometimes. Everything doesn’t need to be spelled out and spoken. That hug he got from her in a previous episode raised a red flag enough. He does not need to bust her down on a conference table.

The Gist

The TLDR Recap/ Review

  1. Shanelle’s case gets a bit more interesting thanks to Adrian, who Jax not only convinces not to harm her but also to say what is needed to take down Evan and perhaps gain favor with the district attorney.
  2. This doesn’t do much for Lucy, who is being decimated in court to the point of JT’s mom wanting to make a stink, but what can Lucy do? Jax and Corey have a better plan, and all Lucy may have in the future is a dangerous ex coming after her.
  3. Getting beyond the case, Jax finds herself meeting Corey’s father, Jeremiah, who hits on her and doesn’t know that Corey has developed a crush on her.
  4. Which, considering Lewis was caught going with Toni for a paternity test, maybe Corey’s fantasy may come true? You know Jax isn’t above being petty sometimes.
  5. While Lucy has become quite the disappointment after how she was built up, at the very least, the failure of how they have written that character does allow Jax and Corey to look good.
  6. But, there is always a chance that, with Lucy’s personal life getting some focus in this episode, maybe in the future that could save what was once a promising character?
  7. Beyond that, Adrian’s storyline continues to be meh, as is Lewis’ secret baby with Toni, and Corey’s growing crush feels unnecessary but in line with what should be expected from “Reasonable Doubt.”
  8. Ultimately, this leaves us still with a show that does the most and sometimes can feel like it focuses too much on its least interesting storylines.

General Information

Episode TitleThis Can’t Be Life
Director(s)Rob Hardy
Writer(s)Natalia Temesgen

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