Reasonable Doubt: Season 2 Episode 10 “Encore” – Recap and Review

Season 2 ends on a less shocking note than season 1, but also a bit more emotional than season 1 as well.

Originally AiredOctober 17, 2024
Director(s)Anton Cropper
Writer(s)Raamla Mohamed, Dallas Rico
ToniTristan Cunningham
LewisMcKinley Freeman
JaxEmayatzy Corinealdi
NatashaJada Keche
ShanelleShannon Kane
JTChristopher Mychael Watson
LucyMelissa Ponzio
PeterMichael Scialabba
JohnCorin Scialabba
LewisMcKinley Freeman
SpenserThaddeus J. Mixson
NaimahAderinsola Olabode
AishaMadison Alsobrook
SallyNefetari Spencer
ChrisJohnath Davis
ShantiLaticia Rolle
CoreyMorris Chestnut
BrandyEssence Atkins
IsabellaValerie LeBlanc

Storyline Recap

There Is Only So Much That Could Be Done – Toni, Lewis, Jax

With Jaden, Toni and Lewis’ preemie son, being born, it presses Lewis to eventually reveal all to the kids. It also pushes Jax to be nicer to Toni and present a united front, rather than it being Lewis and her, with her legal background, vs. Toni.

Who Killed JT? – Natasha, Shanelle, JT

To make a long story short, Natasha, Eboni and JT’s daughter, landed the blow which killed JT, but it was Shanelle who watched him die. Natasha returned home from school, saw JT trying to choke Shanelle to death, so she hit him and Shanelle immediately got Natasha to change her clothes and go back to her dorm like she was never there.

Now, there are paths that could lead to the people learning the truth, but considering Shanelle and Natasha roughly wear the same size, and Natasha’s dorm log not being the evidence needed to pin anything on her, that’s why Natasha has gotten to stay out of this.

Remember Your Privilege – Lucy, Peter, John, Jax, Shanelle

With Jax figuring out the truth, there is a desire to present this but the whole point of Shanelle taking on this burden was to protect Natasha, so that isn’t an option. With that said, Jax hasn’t just picked up on Shanelle’s secret, but also Lucy’s, and she tries to press her to think of Shanelle’s domestic violence issue and compare it to her own. Lucy refuses and is quick to note a difference that forces Jax to push her to recognize her privilege.

After hearing that, Lucy does just that and sets Peter up to break his parole, to be violent in public, and though provoking Peter gets her roughed up a little bit, because Lucy has police connections, she is able to get Peter out of her life and John’s. Now, unfortunately, she has to reveal to her son what a monster his dad is, but he quickly takes her side so Lucy doesn’t end up losing anything.

The First Steps To Moving On – Corey, Brandy, Shanelle, Mavis, Krystal, Isabella, Eboni, Lucy, Jax

The verdict for Shanelle’s trial leads to her being found not guilty for first degree murder but being convicted for voluntary manslaughter. However, thanks to Lucy, in Jax’s opinion, Shanelle is able to serve her time through formal felony probation, which appears to be some form of house arrest. This means she isn’t going to be in jail, but there remain a lot of answers regarding her finances and property, considering how JT died.

But, you know if Mavis has the opportunity to be petty, and snatch everything from under Shanelle, she would have by now. That is, unless things are still in the works, hence her trying to be cordial with Shanelle, for now, in order to stay in her grand children’s life, and not be dogged out.

As for everyone else? Eboni gets to see Natasha for the first time in years. Krystal gets high marks on her LSAT and Isabella, Corey’s client, is told she is going to get her freedom, as Corey thought she would due to Shanelle’s case. Also, while Corey is leaving to who knows where, he doesn’t leave before striking up a conversation with Brandy, who testified at Shanelle’s trial, and making an offer to court her – which she accepts.

Can’t Forget The Darkness In The Silver Lining – Lewis, Jax, Toni, Spenser, Naimah, Aisha, Sally, Chris, Shanti

Unfortunately, despite him seemingly doing okay, Jaden dies. Lewis is a mess over this but considering he hasn’t told his kids yet, and altered how they see him, there is some form of relief – which he is guilty about. However, what he is not guilty about is basically cutting Toni off and not even participating in Jaden’s funeral. With that, it seems Toni decided to sue Lewis and Jax over Jaden’s death, setting up what could be the main trial of season 3.

That aside, Sally and Chris decide to go to couple’s therapy and while Sally wants to fight for the marriage, Chris seemingly wants out. Never mind putting up the house without telling him, but then learning he was kept in the dark about Natasha’s role in all this? The trust is gone and it doesn’t seem he believes it may return.

He isn’t alone in feeling left out, however. Spenser’s showcase at school goes so well an A&R executive, Shanti, approaches him and his family, and while Spenser is happy, Naimah feels this will just mean even less attention and focus on her existence. Lewis, who figured she was at that age where she didn’t want to be around her parents as much, starts paving the way for reconciliation, and it seems Naimah appreciates it.

Oh, and while Lewis and Jax meet Aisha, who is introduced as Spenser’s girlfriend, they don’t approach her, or her dad, about the smoking or other things going on that Spenser brought up previously.

New Character Descriptions


Natasha is JT and Eboni’s only child, who is currently in college.


Shanti Chase works at Nova Vista Records as an A&R Executive and after Spenser’s performance at his school’s showcase, she approaches him and his family about his future.


Brandy is an associate of Corey’s who testified at Shanelle’s trial about domestic violence, who he takes a romantic interest in.

Question(s) Left Unanswered

  1. So, if Shanelle was convicted of killing JT, wouldn’t his assets go to either his mother or kids? I would assume his mother considering her influence, right?
  2. Who is going to stay for a presumed season 3, and who will move on?



The Growth and Happy Moments To End The Season

From Corey going from someone who barely commits to wanting to seriously date, Lucy free from her ex, Spenser maybe having the opportunity to have a music career, and more, we had a satisfying ending to season 2. I’d even say, since the Onyx Collective hasn’t had a show go beyond its second season, while the lawsuit storyline wouldn’t be resolved, for the most part, the show could end on a positive note.

Formal Felony Probation

Between “Rebel Ridge” focusing on Legal Forfeiture, which is not a common term, and now learning about “Formal Felony Probation,” I appreciate how different avenues government agencies can take is being highlighted and shown in ways which are consumable. Now, does this mean people can get it and use it, specifically the Formal Felony Probation? I won’t say that.

However, knowing your rights and options is always better ahead of time than when the **** hits the fan.

Lucy’s Privilege Acknowledge And Used

Jax calling out Lucy’s privilege, regarding how she is prosecuting Shanelle considering her own domestic violence situation, and then the show exhibiting how Lucy is privileged, was excellent. Often times privilege is called out but not shown, and Lucy setting up her ex using her connections with the police, shows what many won’t get to have when it comes to justice.

Isabella didn’t have cops on standby and couldn’t setup her ex. Shanelle may have Jax as a friend, but that privilege was only able to help her after she got in trouble, not protect her from having to take the charge for murdering JT. But, what also is important is not only showing Lucy’s privilege but having her use it for Shanelle’s situation and show, even with her having advantageous Jax doesn’t, it doesn’t mean they can’t be friends – likely beyond the love/hate relationship Jax has with Mike.

A Glimpse Into Lewis’ Job and Co-Workers

We’ve been hearing about Lewis’ game and the stress he is under since the beginning of the series, and yet he has always worked from home and the game, his co-workers, the office, was heard about but not seen. Finally, in the season finale, we saw these people were real, as was the game, and to be honest with you, I thought the setup for season 3 would have been a harassment or discrimination lawsuit featuring the young lady who was Lewis’ assistant.

Granted, considering what happened in season 1, that could feel like a repeat, never mind jumping from Jax defending her best friend to her husband, but it would have been the perfect opportunity to put a spotlight on Lewis’ work and life outside the house and family.

Low Points

Jaden’s Death & Toni’s Lawsuit

While the Toni situation was the key to Lewis’ storyline, I honestly didn’t feel much regarding his kid’s death. I recognize how horrible it is, but considering all that was going on at Lewis’ work, I feel that they could have brought in some work drama for him, rather than a break baby. Never mind, it feels like the baby’s sole existence was to set up the season 3 lawsuit, which tarnished things even further.

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